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  1. I want, please read msg.
  2. If you kill someone in APD custody with a suicide vest with proper engagement, is this considered fail RP? What about grenades? Crossfire? ie: Gang gets taken, I buy suicide vest to blow up the HQ and kill my gangmates in the process.
  3. 2 lvl 5 vest and mk1 taser?
  4. http://www.gamblersanonymous.org/ga/location/state/table/VA/
  5. still have.. 1x mk1 1x mar10 5x mx3gl 2x mx 1x spar (556) 1x cmr 1x mxm all cop taser
  6. Is there a reason no blog to the last civ meeting was posted, also when is the next meeting?
  7. http://prntscr.com/j2z9gg Offer on them both.
  8. 1m
  9. I have: 5MX3GL 1 MK1 1 CMR 1 MAR-10
  10. sent pm
  11. sent PM
  12. I'll buy garage.
  13. mar-10 taser for sale also have cmr taser
  14. I have one and a couple mags.
  15. Your parents wish the saying "you are what you eat" will come true so you would become a vegetable and they could pull the plug.
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