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Everything posted by toxicc

  1. lol nah i was done with the game at that point. when i lost it was sad but it was wtv still had like 400m. I have a pic of it somewhere, no vid tho. I DO however have a vid somewhere of me taking 1.2b from birb in 2 bets and that was the loudest moment in my discord ever. basically a bunch of apes screaming "big red" then screeching when we won lool
  2. since were all bragging, im the only one in oly history to do a 1billion $ coinflip (asides the other party obv).
  3. ah yes, i knew ur name was familar lol
  4. uhh did a 1bill coinflip with i think @ Noble ? it was something with an N.. then bet 300 till i lost it in casino lol
  5. yup 1.3 bill from like 150m, even then i was never asked for handouts by my team just the occasional loan
  6. Happens to the best of us, kid doesn't deserve a dime unless he put money in. If u lost he wouldn't have given u shit. Even when I was on my gambling spree on oly not one of my mates asked for money.
  7. cope
  8. its called breaking oly policy not duping
  9. hey guys! paying 3m for mk1 and type tasers! 💀

  10. hey man i got a few mks, you still looking to buy them
  11. let rebels have black carrier rigs

    1. teo


      oh shut up kid

  12. toxicc

    Bw mags babe

    20 wp, 30 if u want delivery
  13. 500k
  14. honestly all the retards defending this have either been previously banned or are coping with the fact that theyre currently banned.
  15. if the "best players" in the game resort to exploiting are they really the best? Also, it being a skilled action doesnt mean a thing. One could make the same arguement about mass rdm, it doesnt change the fact that its not allowed and puts others at a disadvantage. i only called you a shitter
  16. is this supposed to mean something? it isnt an issue to me, you dont see me and my friends making posts whining about how exploiting a game mechanic should be allowed hours after i got banned for it. loooooool
  17. It seems like nowadays people who cant win a fight resort to exploiting in order to win a fight. Stop being a shitter and it wouldn't be an issue.
  18. been seeing a lot more people on here, is it worth coming back or is it still as toxic as before?

  19. whoever shit ass man is, ur moms a hoe

  20. 4x - zafir - 3m each 2x - 338 supps - 25m each obo 1x - fullscreen envg helmet - 20m obo
  21. not on the list but i got special purpose and .338 supps if u want
  22. dont know what these go for, would appreciate approximate prices. thanks mx, mxm, type, mk18, lim, promet, spar16s, spar16gl (all tasers). Prowler Armed, and AT offroads
  23. 40m 338 supp
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