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Everything posted by noah:)

  1. Server one is terribly laggy. I opened my garage and it said I had like four hunters when I don't even own any.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Unjo


      I find one with like 6 striders lmao

    3. Miss TaeTae White

      Miss TaeTae White

      I had the same issue on server 2.  I own every vehicle and it opened showing 4 hatchback sports lol I closed and then reopened to see my garage.

    4. noah:)


      Server restarts should be more frequent. It gets unbearable near the end.

  2. Looking for 3-4 mil
  3. I have a little over $3,000 now due to gambling.

  4. redacted information now classified by the fbi (not covering anything up... )
  5. Selling this two crater house in Abdera. Holds a maximum of 1,400 space when upgraded and great for meth. Post offers below.
  6. Selling these two houses as well as the garage at DP3/Syrta. Both are four craters holding a maximum of 2,900 y-inventory. The frog house is just below a kilometer from the factory, and the meth house is 3.6 kilometers. Looking for 1.75-2.5 million for the frog factory house and 4.5-5.5 million for the Syrta house and garage. Post offers below or message me. Before sold I will post the final offer in case someone else wants to buy.
  7. Selling these great mushroom houses on server one. Looking for offers. Before any of them are sold I will post the final bid in case any of you still want it. Some information below. Private message me or post your offers below as well as which house specifically. Information: Two bungalows (top) next to airfield and great for quickly getting to the Sofia rebel. For strategies, it's quite easy to land at cow manure and then land back at this airstrip and deposit the mushrooms. Then you can go back and fourth in a Quilin or SUV from the house to the processor. Looking for around 2-3 million for one, but prices are negotiable. Sofia four crater (located in the middle) is a quick place to spawn as well as store mushrooms as well as any other gear you might get while roaming in Sofia. Looking for around 3-4 million seeing as how no other four craters are available, few if not none two or three craters. Prices are negotiable.
  8. Can confirms this is addicting. Send help..
  9. I don't complain first of all. And I asked for then to make up their mind about a location. Moving it over and over again isn't needed. It's annoying.
  10. Then the dev's should make up their mind. It hurts more than it helps.
  11. Cool update, but still pissed. I had the perfect factory house, then you decide to move it. Can you at least warn about potential moving? Maybe make up your mind?
  12. Looking for 2-3 mil.
  13. Still for sale.
  14. All of them are sold. Get off the post bud.
  15. bumpity do da
  16. This Hole Situations Reminds Me Of Weird Typing Habits...
  17. Why do you care?
  18. Why do you only type in italics?
  19. Can’t atm. I will pm you details
  20. Getting a lot of texture bugs recently. Any know may to fix it?

  21. trustworthy (sold btw)
  22. So many kids on the forums get so offended when you dislike their comment  they spend their time finding your posts and disliking them in order to get... revenge? I don’t know. Grow up.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Linka


      you hurt their internet points bro

    3. Julian
    4. DABESTeva


      3 hours ago, Ozzy Jones said:

      Making OP's point for him.


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