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Everything posted by Asuna

  1. how much mar 10 lethal?
  2. Asuna

    Buying tase

    @ Maayo what are yu looking for and how many? got a punch of CMRs, MX, and spars
  3. Asuna

    November Giveaway

    Time to get this bread
  4. Asuna

    Rexos Garage Sale

    ill buy AT how much
  5. Are the Mk1 and type still up for sale I’ve been looking for a week to buy them.
  6. Ill buy a mk and type
  7. ill buy both
  8. Been looking for awhile to buy these lmk if you have any willing to buy.
  9. I love it
  10. So fucking cringe shut the hell up
  11. Yes it is @-LYG- OldRed
  12. I have put about 37million into it, plus it a prime location so around 40 and up @CHEESE1
  13. https://gyazo.com/efc359953a6190b482499bd7e849f982 Pm offers looking to retire the gang shed its fully upgraded virtual and about half upgraded in the physical inventory.
  14. Got back into playing some Apex Legends. Enjoy the low elo rank Killtage @Firefly
  15. I was just curious because I have been downed and robbed multiple times in the past couple of days so I was just wondering if its worth it to report or not
  16. are the SDARS allowed to be used in their current state at the moment since the script is messed up to make them downing weapon.?
  17. Is there any reason why server 3 is down right now?
  18. that doesnt even make sense, do you hear what you are saying?
  19. To whoever wants to buy this house,and garage These are the messages that were sent to me, I am not a scammer, just got a cry baby on the other end who didnt get the house he wanted <3
  20. its okay, seems you have to nitpick a missed letter in a word. Maybe next time you should understand to not assume that it is a scam. I understand you are angry, but calling someone a scammer when you have no proof is more rude, then not replying to you, when someone has a life.
  21. Oh no I got exposed by somthing that wasnt even a scam oh no Help me D:
  22. Im literally telling you what the guy told me, if you want to believe that fine, but if you dont know it is true dont go around like you know it is, and making it look like a scam situation
  23. That makes no sense lol he was a random guy, who messaged me I can see where you are coming from but you clearly must hold a grudge or somthing lol. Good luck dude
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