Pm offers looking to retire the gang shed its fully upgraded virtual and about half upgraded in the physical inventory.
I was just curious because I have been downed and robbed multiple times in the past couple of days so I was just wondering if its worth it to report or not
To whoever wants to buy this house,and garage These are the messages that were sent to me, I am not a scammer, just got a cry baby on the other end who didnt get the house he wanted <3
its okay, seems you have to nitpick a missed letter in a word. Maybe next time you should understand to not assume that it is a scam. I understand you are angry, but calling someone a scammer when you have no proof is more rude, then not replying to you, when someone has a life.
Im literally telling you what the guy told me, if you want to believe that fine, but if you dont know it is true dont go around like you know it is, and making it look like a scam situation
That makes no sense lol he was a random guy, who messaged me I can see where you are coming from but you clearly must hold a grudge or somthing lol. Good luck dude