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Everything posted by Cooper:P

  1. I knew you was cheating on me you bastard!!!!
  2. LILIA-M8NYD-42DW6

  3. D8EA9-3EKH7-N3HPE

    1. johnny goose

      johnny goose

      thanks for ball of wonder i will make sure to thoroughly enjoy this game

  4. #FreeRabid #FreeGOAT WE NEED TEA! ☕☕

  5. It was me what’s it to yuh
  6. Man i could go for a lil tortilla rn

  7. i don't think i am for as long as I played this server I've never seen someone cry as hard as you do over this simple altercation
  8. i cannot believe ur actually crying this hard over a pixel game legit like skys said you had binos out u didn't even make an attempt to even try to shoot the kid so honestly you just got out gammed so cry more
  9. said he would sell it to me for 1 mill I gave it and he instantly called me the hard r and alt f4 don't trust this scammer
  10. @ The Sovereign just because you shark in the water at caps and rebels all day and not gaining any good gear doesn't mean they are always spawning in stuff just saying...
  11. this is actually really cool ngl
  12. soooo if i join tilde i can have staff??

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Cooper:P


      damn crazy a kid that was scared in an e-date channel is talking...

      @ ChillX

    3. ChillX


      @ Cooper:P  say what? lmao i have an irl kid 

    4. Eddy Spagooti

      Eddy Spagooti

      @ Cooper:P if im in aegis can i get cpt?

  13. Congrats @ Xlax  & @ Super_Nova  we finna gamble later 

  14. Congrats @ King year later finally 

    damn that was quick congrats my boyyy @ Xlax

  15. The refs are more brainless then most of the Olympus community

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Legendary


      el oh el. so dude never touched him throughout the route? IT WAS A FOUL, maybe you dont call it but it was holding to a degree

    3. Skys
    4. Mr GOAT

      Mr GOAT

      W take in chat.


      Can any eagles fans let us know what constitutes a catch?

  16. your actually mental if u drop 29 mill on this shitty house
  17. Mans went from trashing the server to making it better congrats my boy @ Xlax

  18. Free doof or riot 

  19. Hey sexy boy
  20. Fatty.exe on top
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