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Everything posted by Falco

  1. Wow Bigjohn, I didnt know you knew so much about arma! You should apply for a dev slot. Who even are you? In all seriousness to me it just sounds like you guys want to go back to circle jerking on server 2. Im not denying the lag, but from what i've been told about the server lag, it's not the player count as it can be alot of different variants/reasons why. This game isn't fun with low population.
  2. Wdym? About s2 being a dead server? Or the lag getting fixed? I'm confused on what you're asking.
  3. Idk why anyone would want to bring back s2 with a Max pop of 30 people. And I doubt the increase of 20 players has really increased lag as bad as were seeing. It's just going to take time to pinpoint what's going on.
  4. This guy...
  5. Falco


    You're a good kid Noah, now go fuck some shit up irl and make it big. Always down to game you just say the word and we'll hit it. Goodluck bud. o7
  6. But... I make so much more money as a vigi.
  7. Bump not selling, Buying read the title
  8. Bump.... Fuck you @ Penguiny
  9. Buying either one preferred offroad. Pm me
  10. Buying all sting and spar tasers for a good price. Dm me with your amounts also buying wps hit me up.
  11. Give me your offer and a screenshot of location.
  12. #DefundtheAPD
  13. Couldn't have said it better myself... Jobs are way too lax now.. 10/10 would rather have high pop server versus two half full servers.
  14. Falco

    WTB WP

    Buying warpoints hmu with price and how many you have.
  15. Make your own post ya fucking rat!
  16. PM me how many you have for sale and what you would like per. Will buy bulk for a price cut.
  17. Falco


    My hats off to you OS! Well played.
  18. 1500 Storage space Server 1 hmu if with an offer.
  19. Looking for anything in dp22/23 that is 3 crate or higher. pm me with offers and screenshots
  20. SOLD
  21. Yeah, its maxed.
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