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About BIG Nem

APD Officer
  • Birthday 09/07/1995

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Immigrant (1/7)



  1. I just puked in my mouth a lil, cool if ur APD.
  2. How much this shit box go for first offer 3g @ryan
  3. Allow bolt cutters to break restrained players out of handcuffs. Reduce time to unrestrain players in handcuffs while using bolt cutters by 25%. @duanty_lake_23 Increase price of bolt cutter to 5k. Adds another usage to bolt cutters, can be lost every time you die. 100% gonna be used so vigi Alts can let there butt buddy’s go after the cops get roached by S and RDMers If a player with a GPS becomes restrained, a marker will be placed on the map to show where they were "last seen". Only your group members/gang members would be able to see it; almost the same as the death marker. @GoonThe13Yearold Or you could just pay attention to your gang members being a skat is a art just letting them be lazy now. This is a shit game.
  4. shit game.
  5. so i love how oly can sell and spend time making skins for just 5 gangs who can suck admin peen harder then the rest of the gangs for a stupid amount of money, but we cant fix spawn island. il stop bitching once ryan gives me comp for the RPG 42 i stole from him.
  6. next update i vote we remove the option to ask for denial when you die, fucking medics, you can press the thing fucking twice and the C suckers will fucking make you sit there. its like once you press it every department in there head says whoah whoah don't denny them. they can chill for 15min. anyone else have this issue?
  7. il go 2.5m RN
  8. who the fuck do you think you are stealing my name?
  9. HMU
  10. yeet.... Grandmas got the jokesss
  11. im happy with 50 shit
  12. Bidding starts @10mill IT IS LEGIT STOLE FROM RYANS TANK RARE TECH, Brought to you by Umbrella Corp.
  13. It’s 110% one of a kind can’t find it anywhere else comes with 2HE and 1 regular rocket what’s your offer?
  14. its all legit, stole it from Ryan myself fair and square.
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