Nice!!! Atleast it was free. Is your can an Osprey? Shit mine is for a .45 and how it was sold to me was the salesman dunked the can in water then put up a target in side the store lol he locked the doors then shot the fucking gun inside the store on the rubber target. It was like a pretty loud clap then I was sold.
Hmmm interesting. Well idk if things changed or slowed down. And what you mean 3 signatures? If there are three people on the trust then that might be the delay also. It was only me on my trust. Also I bought my can locally so I was allowed conjugal visit lol so I was allowed to shoot it. Id give it another 2 months. All you can do is just forget and next you know they are calling you to pick it up.
Everything @Dirty said is 100% accurate. I got my can in about 6months and it was done through a trust which I found is the easiest way. Thank you @Dirty.
I feel you. The next guns I want is an SRM 1216, Barrett 82A1 .50 cal, and a Russian dragunov. Both the .50 cal and dragunov are in the 20-30k range. I’ve shot both and I’m in love. Each round of .50 cal is about $7 per bullet. Lmao
And if you really want to have fun check out This is why I’m broke and why I love Texas.
I just love guns. It’s an expensive hobby I know. Lol also I wanted an SBR but didn’t want to go through the hassle of waiting on approval so I went with a bull-pup. It’s really nice for close quarters and going around corners quickly.
Hell yeah G hahaha I love your trollin. It’s not too excessive. But yeah true there will only be a few admins. Like I said before there are only a few guys I trust to manage this community without destroying it. Olympus is the best server in Arma so that’s saying a lot.
It's maturity. Younger guys nowadays don't have the skill set to manage people. I doubt most 18-year-olds (and I said most, Ive met the rare few) have ever experienced life outside their parents homes. Not to be insulting its because they are still young and have their whole life ahead of them to gain life experience. Video game experience gets you nowhere. Its just for fun and to pass the time.
You are absolutely right. I can agree that if you don't like something then just avoid it.
LMFAO. It almost happened to me. I got lucky.
Hahaha that’s why you don’t give people under the age of 25 admin powers. I understand you gotta be here a long time to get into management but I’m sure you need some sort of experience outside of gaming. The application is like a job asking for a resume. 10000 hours on Olympus shouldn’t be a qualifying factor lol
Don’t get me wrong. I think admin should have just as much fun. Just like the other day I was messing around with all the admins on cop and doing random shit, them killing me, all fun and games. I didn’t care I thought it was fun. Just a game. But if someone is complaining then it doesn’t seem like they consented or they are not part of the group.
We just need to keep the integrity of Olympus while dealing with random people.