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Everything posted by Brennan

  1. Have you tried playing the objectives? You also get paid for capturing each colored area on the map plus bonus money for holding it every 30 minutes and vehicles are already able to be sold. ^______^
  2. Shoutout to these people for being on the forums right now: Bing, Jopple123, Google, gummycow, matt198, cLoak, Sir Peter Longcock, djwolf, fugi

    1. Fastik
    2. Big B

      Big B

      You must have caught me on my bathroom break...

  3. Yea gates are put down on restart, and most people just drive around instead of opening them, so just make sure you tread carefully when approaching checkpoints. We have all had our fair share of blown up sport hatchbacks because of checkpoints I am sure.
  4. The three hostage takers were clearly participating in the situation and in no way trying to "skirt the rules". If all of the players where actively trying to get around the rules of robbing and killing than a ban for all of them is right, but in this case, the RDMr thought he had a valid reason to kill them, when it simply wasn't a reason to kill them. A ban for that one person is expected, but I don't see it just to punish the other two hostage takers who were just playing with their friend and had no role in the death of the hostages.
  5. Scenario in question: 3 players of a gang called [Potato] have 2 players from a gang called [Carrot] in restraints, more players from [Carrot] show up, so ONE player from [Potato] kills both of the restrained players from [Carrot]. This is RDM so a ban for that ONE player is expected, but all three players from [Potato] where also banned, even though only one member of that group even shot at the restrained players. (This actually happened, but gang names where changed) Are there any rules regarding this?
  6. Only 70 FPS?!?! ... Fuck u Bojo
  7. Is this rule just for tilda key or names in general. For example, if I am standing in the middle of Kavala w/ 1 manslaughter, not doing anything illegal and with no illegal vehicles, items or weapons and a cop sees me, by these guide lines, will I be asked to put my hands up?
  8. You don't need a mouse or keyboard when the website is down...
  9. Happy Birthday Bojo!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. MidgetMuncher


      He was mad because we hired someone to photoshop a bunch of his facebook pics, Including turning his "Girl Friend" into a man

    3. Brennan


      lol I heard him spamming on Sander's stream, thanks for the heads up tho xD

    4. SPBojo


      Ehm, i went to bed for a hour, wake up, feel completly fine, so please, dont make me seem like a drunken fool :o

      and Brennan, THANKS BAE <3 LOVE YOUUUU

  10. Ares can finally place storage crates!
  11. Olympus should have another VIP event.

  12. Use Chrome and get a VPN/Proxy extension.
  13. Oh yea what was I thinking, how about 24/7 marshal law in all of Altis, if a cop sees you, they retain all right to down, detain, search, and process you accordingly.
  14. Some how I ended up getting banned for 4 days for killing a BurBan member inside of a Fed Robbery, should have known better than to try and fight BurBan.....

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Thomas


      this is why I stream brennan. if you had your view of the incident then the admins would unban you if you were in the right. if it makes you feel better ill blow up a suicide vest in your name

    3. Brennan


      I'd rather you not waste that on me, but I am honored by the offer :P

    4. SPBojo



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