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Everything posted by Icy

  1. where this at for conquest
  2. Icy

    money back

    1b out of server economy the likelihood of this shit getting reverted is 0
  3. Icy

    money back

  4. WTS armed prowler send offers

  5. Icy


    this is all kinds of wrong
  6. Icy

    Property Tax

    yes... let's let the rich people pay a very, very, very small portion of their bank account to go towards property tax, while the poor people who can't pay their taxes lose their abdera/DP3/DP5 meth houses... yes, of course... sounds very epic
  7. Icy

    Meth house

    DP5 4 crater. pm me
  8. why is this post still active let this post and the idea die. do it for the server, guys.
  9. lets add more shit to vigi so more people become vigis! good idea!
  10. absolutely not worth but sure why not
  11. Icy


    anzus i see............................. o7 though ;(
  12. look up the definition of mob mentality while you’re at it
  13. no you're saying 200 ping not 0 ping because lag switch dummy
  14. play against a lag switcher and u will understand the pain
  15. Icy


    If you are experiencing a medical emergency, are in danger, or are feeling suicidal, call 911 immediately.
  16. emt: “i need apd help redzone!!” apd:
  17. or apd could rip every vigi license ever and sAPD could task their medic counterintelligence task force with fabricating evidence of all the prominent vigilantes on olympus in order to get them banned, establishing a permanent social hierarchy that scares vigilantes to the bottom of the food chain, and INSTEAD they’ll come to the HQ and turn in their bounties to patrol officers to avoid a ban, further increasing their reliance on the APD.
  18. i bet the senior that raided the house has a video ;^)
  19. you must be posting to the wrong thread then. all gangs respond on the forum, even blackwater with there 50 something pages of applications has responded to almost every single one.
  20. idk how i came across this thread nor why i’m posting on it, but here i am. previously i had a bad gpu and a bad cpu, but now i have a good cpu and a bad gpu. my frames are noticeably better and i can run arma 3 on ultra or maybe that’s just my i9-9900k fucking with me and my frames will tank when i get on tomorrow.
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