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Doctor James

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Everything posted by Doctor James

  1. The only times helicopters are supposed to be seized are of they are part of a Fed Rob, a jail break, or they have over 500k in duds of a cop did seize your chopper with out those happening submit a ticket or inform a sergeant or higher of this.
  2. Snake might actually be a bigger troll than GG

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      I accept this challenge. MAXIMUS AWKWARDUS

    3. D3V1L
    4. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      lol, i said MIGHT be, but i am looking forward to all of the AWKWARDNESSSSSSSSSSS

  3. Delete the games and re install via steam
  4. Oh goodie I hope to see the mass bands rolling in lol
  5. fears confirmed possible gg for me...

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. wrice4


      Agree with Snake 100%

    3. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      i do appreciate it guys very much

    4. bigselge


      prayers with you senior bro

  6. Stealth = tactical genius and crack shot GG = troll then into submission Snake = crack shot, talk his way out of Everything BooBoo= piss then off while we are dealing with everything Virus = teleport us to everyone
  7. It does state that medics are suspect to all civilian laws in the hand book.
  8. found out some potentially terrible freaking news today....

  9. I'm not concerned with being the bigger man. The bigger man was played by members of the APD for an extensive period of time and meet with nothing but down grades and shit talk most people can't hold themselves accountable for their own actions. I don't know how the rest of the APD feels about it but I'm over paying the nice guy on the forums. In game will be met with respect and professionalism, but I will not good my tongue and keep trying to coddle people who can't win everytime so they blame the opposite side. It's not just for APD either a guy gets RDMd and bashes the admins. Jesus.
  10. After a mass of Olympus bashing posts that you made there for a while on what seemed daily, I can and will not accept your apology. It took you trying a different server to realize that sometimes people make small mistakes, and or given the situation that you might happen to lose, the cops are useless people on the server that don't deserve to be apart of the police force. Your apology is in no way welcome, or accepted. You want to change that? Then don't change your mind tomorrow if you get arrested.
  11. I have mentioned how you fix this man, do not sit on the forums saying your aren't getting it, hop into team speak sit in the support channels and talk to one of the sergeants, do not message all the higher ups the sergeants are there as a buffer man . Hit McDili, Pinkstreak, HamofMoose. Try one if them they squared me away.
  12. stop by and donate if you can, all proceeds go to wounded warrior project :)

  13. 24 hour stream stop on by and say hello :)

  14. you know back I'm my day they use to call me Mr. Hold Your Girls Hand (someone will get it)

  16. 24 hour duty tonight for work, fuck you CQ, but tomorrow after i wake up will be pulling a second 24 hour stream stop in and enjoy me spreading christmas cheer.

  17. 24 hour duty tonight for work, fuck you CQ, but tomorrow after i wake up will be pulling a second 24 hour stream stop in and enjoy me spreading christmas cheer.

  18. So...stealth gets Arma"d the chopper blows up and immediately says I am the one that kills BurBan lol the hell???

  19. First of all man, im not trying to burst a bubble there is quite a few patrol officers already, and people who have become them way to early to tend to be terrible cops in general, im not saying the belongs to you as it might not. Ride along abide to those who have come to deserve it, i do recommend playing with a sergeant or above only so that they can see you are capable, i have personally recommended 4 deputies and all 4 have passed and moved along to P.O, when playing with your P.O ask them how you did and see if there is anything you can do better ECT. i have had quite a few deps ask me this and i have either made on the spot corrections or i have recommended them for what they can do better. Please ensure that the P.O's are doing their job and judging your performance as a deputy and i guarantee you shall be promoted before you know it.
  20. thanks for all of the congrats on getting corporal guys, it means allot

  21. Ok honestly that's funny but wing Wayne
  22. I am by no means stating that everyone does but the majority of the complaints are towards cops.
  23. I continue to see a multitude of people complain over and over about the level of corruption in the APD, and the amount of non RP coming from the APD side of the house. What we dont see is people owning up to their side of the house fucking things up. Continuosly blaming cops doesnt fix things, we are working on our side of the house and I personally think it is the civilians turn to take a stand and own up to their short comings. I perform alot of random "routine traffic stops" and 9 out of 10 times i recieve the same comment, why are you cops always fucking with us. We dont search on routine traffic stops just attempting at a small RP and yet complaints happen. When someone gets caught legit its usually always the same story comp or ban blah blah blah you can't do this you can't do that. Trust me people there is change brewing in the APD and it will be for the better. We have been seeing better RP coming from the civilian side of the fence, although nothing will change if you continue to point all the fingers at the APD. I am not personally saying that i dont witness APD doing stupid things and refusing to interact on a personal level and RP it out. Although when i pull someone over for having their headlights out while driving at night, they arent wanted just trying to hand out a warning i am usually met with gun fire. If you arent wanted and a cop stops you in the middle of no where just see where it goes dont lose your mind a traffic ticket is THE LOWEST TICKET any one can and will ever recieve which usually isnt handed out by any officer unless the person decides to be rude and just lose his mind over being pulled over. With that being said i have been seeing an increased level of RP server wide, I just happen to be tired of reading the forums and seeing every finger pointed at the APD side of things. I pitted a guy yesterday and pulled him out and while restrained someone threw a grenade from the top of the building obviously RDM'n the guy i had arrested who was wanted for like 100k or something and the whole thing started over speeding. When i attempted to pull him over he ran, understandably he was a wanted man. Upon restraining him prior to anything i started to ask him if he knew why i pulled him over to which he began claiming i tried to blow him up and how pitting was against the rules and he was recording and such and how comp or he was submitting a video. Jesus people enjoy the game a little bit and potentially recieve some pretty awesome stories from it possibly. Any one who knows me or has played with me knows that i dont know how much you are wanted for until middle of the session when i walk my old as back to my police car to "check dispatch for a warrent" sorry just a little tired of fingers being pointed every where but at ones self. Everyone makes mistakes guys man is fallable.
  24. I still can't find my Damn hand cuff keys ebb. I think you stole them
  25. god damn it...my car broke, bitch caught in fire

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dustin87


      Just blew my 95 F350's Duall's engine for the second time

    3. DocThomas


      i feel ya doc, same here, was on the way to work and suddenly smoke comes pouring out of the glove box, scared me to death

    4. Chronorpheus


      ok. then just apples!

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