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Everything posted by Mudiwa

  1. All I’m saying is after that I had a lot less lag tbh
  2. Mudiwa

    Fuck Ivy

    Imagine getting someone banned because they said mean things
  3. Mudiwa

    Fuck Ivy

    @ all the simps who downvoted. I am sorry you are not getting any action on valentines day bruh
  4. Mudiwa

    Fuck Ivy

    gang shit blood
  5. So no one uses our shed anymore and we want to sell it. Starting price is 30m, HMU If your interested or feel free to bid in the comments PIC: https://gyazo.com/3e905315829b072ec393e35468fa1c8a
  6. @ChrisGG
  7. The current investment I kept was already payed back retard.
  9. For u quinner I’ll do 60M because ur a OG
  10. Yes that’s exactly what’s next bitch watch it
  11. I am keeping a 500k payout for a friend who did a run for me, I’m not keeping 15 mill or any serious amount of money. but my question is why are you making so many assumptions you have yet to display and evidence of this false claim. You call people fucking idiots but you are just one yourself man you are legit being a sheep and just following some random guy who I didn’t want to do business with and blocked because he called me a scammer.
  12. watches people have intercourse with pumpkins and was a head civ council at one point. i guess hes like a 7/10

  13. Hear me out slavery, There is a slave trader in the north west somewhere right, you can kidnap people and send them to the slaver for like 10k but if they have a bounty you can collect it. Then they are teleported to a random island for 10 minutes to serve their time breaking rocks or some shit or picking drugs and can be released early if they mine enough. Your friends can break you out with some sort of item and the person who enslaved you needs to go stop the place from getting raided or he looses 100k per person. Perfect idea will add some spice to kavala scatting and get Olympus the attention it needs. @destruct
  14. who even are you bro like maybe you should have invested to not have 1.7m bro i could have easily done you some favors All yall saying im scamming but in reality you dont even have anything to back it up like fuck off my dick i didn't do shit fuck boys. until you have some shit to prove i did anything then go fuck your mom. all yall lying got a whole 1m like go do some fucking runs and get off my dick. Like fuck i should re open my business to help you guys out with your financial struggles tbh, fuck hit me up and i can just give you some money i feel kinda bad just looking at how broke each of you are like ill give you a mill bro go feed yourself. go buy a gearset or something shit can you even sustain yourself on a day to day basis
  15. i pay people their money i have plenty of satisified investors willing to testify
  16. Should have added slavery
  17. um not really i just didnt want to run it anymore because people kept calling me a scammer and running away my business
  18. Reverse Card
  19. I didn’t take shit fuck off stop trying to ruin my brand It’s because of little shits like you that I had to stop doing the thing that actually made me happy to help people
  20. Because your calling me a scammer I don’t deal with your type of people
  21. just tried to make a fucking living doing this man idk what your on about
  22. Hello everyone and investors, many accusations have been made against me by people who I have done successful business with that I am a scammer, since my reputation has been ruined I will no longer be accepting or going through with anyones investment. I thank you so much for giving me this opportunity to show my worth. Thank you all and have a great day :)) in the future i may continue this Fund however in the mean time i will no longer be taking money and all current investments will be kept as i need to pay back my employees who helped me acquire the funds, again i wish you the best and i thank you for your time
  23. remember if you have any questions feel free to DM me and chat with me
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