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Everything posted by RogueMK

  1. i think server 2 is taking a shit :/

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. RichusX


      If you have it recorded I'm pretty sure you can get comped by staff.

    3. djdarkmunk
    4. RichusX


      support > Compensation Request

  2. yeah i was missing from that fight too
  3. good to see you back
  4. this was a defo good idea to start a news post like this im guessing its goin gto be weekly? be good so everyone can keep up to date with everything even if they dont get online much too Im liking the new skins too, specially that "BanHammer Huron" lol
  5. if we're gunna do something like this then i wouldnt do it for the bases of "whos the best" & "whos the worst" as this will just cause so much flame wars etc. So if its gunno be done it needs to be set up right and be for the fun and enjoyment, im totally up for this as ive missed the big gang fights that have happened latley!! but something of this size will need to be set up right with alot of preperation
  6. yeah i agree, once the "Big Update" arrives with the new map etc its only good to do the wipe at the same time. Plus all these double brought houses or perma banned ppls houses will be re-opened Im looking forward to the first week of peach wars with rooks and pdw's lol
  7. how many crates is your house in dp 13? i defo want that garage too
  8. but what this will do is push the smaller gangs to get bigger, which will in return make for better gang on gang experiences , which im looking forward to
  9. hurry up and upload the sig i made you so i can get more ppl asking lol
  10. lol see ya around bojo, n i hope you'll like the signature i make for you
  11. haha nice shout out doctor james, that was an interesting terror indeed, started of with only 2 cops me and moose i think we went like that for about 20mins or so, managed to taze and restrain a few of you guys a number of times but then got rekt from behind, you guys must have been packing alot of medkits lol, we manage to finally get a few reinforcements that joined which lead to finally ending the chaos lol!!
  12. the reason for the server wipe is basicly to bring more RP back when doing drugs, everyone is so rich now that there is no need to do drug runs and so we end up just robbing the new guys trying to do the runs!! i agree in so many ways that a full wipe would be good but i reckon we could see alot of the veteran players leave due to all the hard work they have put in would be lost!! Ive heard rumors that its just a money wipe but if you guys are going to do a wipe then it should be a full wipe of money, house's and vehicles literally everything.
  13. im looking for one too, i will pay anything up to 1.5mill for someone to sell to me preferably dp 19 but 13 & 15 will be fine
  14. nice intro look forward to meeting ya on the server, i generally play on 1 & 2 but you'll see me from time to time on 3
  15. considering ppl say AMD's aint great i have just a basic system but runs the game fine, i have AMD FX 8320 8 core, 8gb RAM & Radeon Sapphire R9 270x with 60gb SSD & 1TB Hard drive
  16. i usaully average 30-40FPS all over until the servers are full then im around the 20-25FPS area with regular frame drops!!
  17. i agree i had i funny roleplay situation which resulted in it continuing after server restart, we even agrred on a place to meet after server restart lol its just a shame i didnt realize my recording software wasnt running as really wanted to upload to to show how good RP can play out haha i gotta try and remember that one lol be funny just to hear the cops reply to it lol
  18. Kavala is sooooo much fun at times as a cop!!!!!!!! :/

  19. Patiently waiting for Patrol Officer Rank *WINK*WINK* lol

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Wheatkings


      You can wink all you want. Sexual favors will not move you up in the line :D

    3. RogueMK


      i knew some1 would say that lol!! this wasnt me asking lol i know i have to wait i just wanted to express it :) tbh im happy waiting im having loads of fun taking down ppl with better guns than me!! brings more of a winning feel to catching ppl lol ;)

    4. drama
  20. id compare server 3 and server 2 as server 3 works fine everytime! ive only experienced problems on server 2 adn i havent played vigi on server 1 yet
  21. ^^^ lol at this tbh i have never encountered a situation like this with my guys? so i dont understand!! if it did happen then well your at fault for trusting people as from what ive experienced i trust no one on any server, and at the end of the day its a RP server so instead of being butt hurt treat it as a learning experience.
  22. server 3 it works all the time! it seems to be server 2 with the bug, i havent played much on server 1 so im not sure if that one is bugged too or not
  23. agreed with above!! Kavala is a newbies nightmare lol if you play as a vigilante on the other hand is quite fun in kavala
  24. Look im not starting a flame war here i just wanted to state that we dont follow the ISIS name nor do we agree with it, it was just used to get attention within a GAME. Considering its a game where you do drugs and kill cops etc makes me laugh that just a name makes people rage!! I get that thousands of people have died to these fucktards of ISIS but in no way are we advertising it nor follow it!! Im not fond of the name either but we are changing it now due to the server rules in place now.
  25. I will be honest as a member of the " ISIS " gang, our name was not to represent the ISIS threat that is going on in a realistic way but basically just a name to get peoples attention, we didn't intentionally want to piss people off because of it but looks like it did! But at the end of the day there's a lot worse going on in the servers than just a gang name. We're already working on a new name as we will be abiding by the server rules. But you gotta admit we got ourselves known quick and probably not in the best of ways but that doesnt mean that we follow or agree with the real ISIS crisis going on, i have friends in the army that have been fighting them.
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