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Cutie (QT)

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  1. the house is located towards the center of dp22. It is not upgraded at all, and is a 3 crate. DM me if interested in buying.
  2. ill give you 3$, a cheeseburger, and a fat rip off my bong
  3. haven't played in months. The server is dying
  4. Welcome to the club brother
  5. For the boys, and only the boys
  6. Cutie (QT)


    see ya brother, stay safe out there.
  7. So are times from now on more lenient/flexible?
  8. Its middle of dp22 next to an atm. Max virtual space. 3 crate List offers below, or message me. I'll probably close offers this weekend
  9. quick maths, more than 50 people play the server
  10. i saw yall talking in support earlier xD
  11. pretty self explanatory. Jk @Dicky
  12. too big, and information is copied. The left vehicle details arent needed since you have information on top. The right side information takes up about 45% of your screen, thats a lot..
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