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Everything posted by Ronin

  1. miss u
  2. what happened to Nigward?
  3. Ronin


    Scammer get scammed
  4. The offroad pick up trucks are even worse.
  5. that is a titty, damn
  6. 11 AM PST I can't wake up in time man
  7. listen up Richard, I know where you work and you need to convince them to bring back polish dogs and the old smoothie recipe.
  8. no rules against RPGs
  9. got killed by this indian


    1. Mutiny


      Grimmz is insane

  10. I don't understand where the misconception comes from that Plague roaches fights. Arguably one of the best gangs on the server right now, and they are extremely respectful and diligent towards gangs that they fight (expecially newer, inexperienced ones). If you hold your end to the agreement so will they, so those complaining are those who more than likely broke that agreement. I have massive respect to them for taking the initiative while they're at the top.
  11. I pay 2 dollars for an entire year of Spotify. Some sketchy places online allow you to pair with their family accounts.
  12. holy shit it is grandma gary LOL
  13. how the fuck are everyone getting suppressors @Dante ? ? ?
  14. Ronin

    [WTB] Ghosthawk

    pm me
  15. what happened to boom_roasted and who hurt him

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      U go to Jupiter to get more stupider 

    3. monster


      Niggas go to mars.... because they're behind bars 

    4. MAV


      I think he got bored it Arma...

  16. Ronin

    [WTB] Ghosthawk

    buy my armed huron
  17. Ronin

    [WTB] **DMS**

    sounds like you could use a 338 suppressor to pair it with
  18. Ronin

    Xanx's o7

    next time it won't be house arrest, it'll be prison bye
  19. 55m for a shed... nty lol
  20. @Benjison @Eden
  21. If you knew what it sells for why would you price it initially at 35 million? This is besides the fact that it's more than likely spawned in by a scripter.
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