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Thick Mans

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Everything posted by Thick Mans

  1. Because they are the rats of the sever.
  2. only for cuties like you <3
  3. Exactly. I only offered 220k to try buy them quickly. Good luck trying to get 250k for them though.
  4. tf? how much do you think pilot coveralls are worth?
  5. I think everybody on the server with enough money want one of these. It's a free-for all.
  6. Ill pay more than whatever this guy offers.
  7. If you push it back to sunday I will self-harm.
  8. If you want to get back at them text me in game. I have some explosives for you to wear.
  9. Ill buy Mar-10 lethal for 2 mill, RPG + 5 Rockets for 1.6 million, Pilot coveralls for 220k.
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