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Everything posted by Noble

  1. Noble

    o7 - Noble

    I literally met you in your country man this shit bigger then A3
  2. Noble

    o7 - Noble

    legendary run cant forget the kid we made drink bong water for an unban while we linked a new report in. gooood times
  3. Hello friends, exactly 3,000 days ago I logged onto Olympus on a shitty Lenovo yoga laptop. For the last 1,213 days have been a local internet janitor. I just want to say from the bottom of my heart thanks to all of you guys for making my childhood a blast. I literally grew up with many of you and have so many hours of fun memories to look back on. In hindsight, those of you that know me know that I ended up being the one thing I hated most about OS, inactive! I guess I am quite the hypocrite. If i was to sit here and @ everyone that I want to it would be 3 pages long but ill name drop a few @ Grandma Gary XO thanks for everything @ monster Glad this game is not your life still, that truck is still on the way @ ares Keep in touch, hope some of the advice helped @ -dante- Enjoy the tickets, spend more time with your family @ Fraali Backbone of the server thanks for keeping the ship up for all these years @ Winters You are the only fucker that lasted here longer then me, respect for that to all the other OS members, thanks boys I know we bickered a lot but it was always for the better of the server yes even you @ Mila could not have had a better group to work with. all the WOO Noble NUT and all the other gangs over the years, best times ever. A word of advice; Go out more, talk to the girl, GO TO THE GYM, invest your money, focus on school and work. This is a game, for fun, dont let it become your life. cy@ fellas O7, for real this time!
  4. If you play jeff you are a horrible person.

  5. I only just watched this for the first time on this thread. Brother you need to take adaptive crosshair off in your settings that is step one. The fact that your body flops around like my my sack during turbulence is a large indication that the server was NOT preforming as it was suppose to!
  6. Shout out @ Xlax for being against scripting!
  7. I DIDNT make a kid drink 2 week old bong water once, good times
  8. thanks JM
  9. Im really trying to follow this here man but im lost. If you are a polieceman going into a red zone and die you can go back as long as it is not a reb outpost or a federal event, those have different rules. Example: Policeman goes into a processor, dies, he can go back when all the cops he came in with die. this is called wave rule. If he went in alone can go back once he respawns. If you check a redzone you mark it on the map with a timer and cant go back for 15. I have genuinely no idea what you mean by before the 5 minutes are up
  10. @ -BATMAN- please dont just upvote my question, what do you mean by "no clash rule for 5 minutes in the red zone"
  11. what the fuck does this mean man. as for disputes, its only really abuse if it never happened at all and is just asking for a rev, money or random shit. If you THINK someone broke a rule, dispute them and talk about it so a staff member can make a ruling on it. You wont get banned for thinking someone broke a rule against you.
  12. any bike guys have any experience with a 2009 Suzuki V-Strom 650

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Civak


      No Ducati? Brokie alert!!

    3. Noble


      @ Skateezy  i learned to ride on a 1200cc Bonneville bobber : D, love triumph

    4. ChillX
  13. Money for nothing, great taste as always Chase
  14. The NUT represents potential, and the shell, our obstacles. Cracking it is like overcoming challenges to reveal the rewards within.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Toretto


      Is this Trident 2.0? 😯

    3. Dylan Rodgers

      Dylan Rodgers

      No one is safe when NUT comes out.

    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      The nut represents 18 years of child support  payments.  Maybe leave the shell alone.

  15. yooo guys @ Strae didnt respond 
    send a search party? 

  16. @ Strae uhhhh hey man you good?

  17. Belal Muhammad champ. 

    Shut down the UFC.


    1. ben-


      just the belt holder not the champ all good

    2. billdroid


      Leon edwards has always been a pussy ngl


      holding up the division fighting once a year

    3. thor



      the only win that matters

  18. Jets are much more of tanks then people think, I used to take blackwasps and shekras from sof to kav on the MSR bumping into all kinds of shit, good landing!
    1. -dante-


      I’m more of an import guy but my god. That shit is gas ‼️

    2. stayclaxxy


      5.5L 🤮 throw the trusty 6.2 in there with a proper blower and you’re getting those numbers easy. 

  19. Just put my fries in the bag bro.
  20. Ah yes post a photo pertaining to the origin of information. The information you claimed not to have known the origin of! Your intelligence is mind boggling! Retard
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