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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. Im selling an oil house im not sure if anyone does it anymore but if you would like to buy it just pm me and ill make u a deal
  2. I’ll buy type I have no clue how much they are worth so just give me a price
  3. sure thing ill PM u on forums when its done uploading
  4. the mar10 dms and suppreser are not duped i have video of us robbing tree and getting it
  5. ITS NOT  like u were gonna unban my any way there doc uafbn


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Clashingtin


      man its all good but what about that 1v1 buddy


    3. Clashingtin


      can i buy 15mil off u for 50$??

    4. Clashingtin


      and btw theres this cop name montana hes really cool btw make sure u keep him 

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