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Everything posted by Clashingtin

  1. Yeah no I couldn’t even run a channel full of deps at a fed without them screaming
  2. There’s no way your insulting my dog like that you Havnt even seen her personality like wtf
  3. This guy stole my dog and then scammed monster and then scammed me don’t trust @ Kyle
  4. Stole my dog because he said it was ugly don’t buy off this guy
  5. I don’t have anything to say because I don’t fight gang base but stay mad I guess
  6. Happy birthday @ Ryan  and @ Lucien

    1. Ryan


      Thank you!!

    2. Lucien


      Thank you sgt clash I hope ur dog gets better 

  7. Does the auto land pilot thing in planes land you at the closest airport?

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. KermitZooicide


      Hol up, you're telling me I can hit a button instead of reinsuring every time I want to land my plane?

    3. Skys


      i heard landing by yourself is easier

    4. nman


      usually it lands you into the side of the nearest mountain or conveniently lets you respawn in any city on the map!

  8. No way they gave this furry mod congrats @ TheHeroNoob

  9. Hello guys I just wanted to share my dog athena shes very handsome and cute so please be respectful. Would also like to @ ZeRo if you ever comeback
  10. Don’t worry monster you can use my vigi ult they’ll never catch you
  11. I promised @ Headtaps  I wouldn’t tell anyone but he wasn’t able to open a tin of cashews he then gave up after his hand started hurting 

  12. Bro I just got sgt I ain’t got nothing to do with this
  13. Are we able to code in timers for the apd escort like pharma? 

    1. Grizzly


      Idk if your talking about a visual timer which I think you are, but there is a timer for completing the APD escort. Just not on the screen which would be nice to have.

    2. Doc
  14. Sad to see you go man had fun grinding sgt with you hope to see you around
  15. As I was driving home from the gym I was doing a 75 in a 60 a cop pulled me over he asked me why I was going so fast I said idk I’m just trying to get home he let me off with a warning. 

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lucien


      should have said you were going home to grind for sgt

    3. Raquese


      then everyone started clapping

    4. Hawkgnewaccount


      I dont think anyone cares 

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