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Corporal Moob

Retired Chief
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Everything posted by Corporal Moob

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Lol. He has some impressing flying abilities. By the way, the ranks look good.  I could see comrad goonies rank.  I like it. 

    2. Sqwallify
  1. Had heard whisperings of this, had hoped it wasn't true. Very disappointing. You were a Quality cop, And excellent staff member and the ones who actually get a peek behind the scenes now then like myself fully appreciate what you do, busting your ass all the time, whether it be tickets, in-game or sAPD business. but either way, , we fully understand, and you're one of few who can really consider themselves as a Friend of Myself, AND MC, as you know, we've always been happy to play with you and I would never turn you away if you wanted to play with us. But a new chapter begins I suppose. RIP my n00b Ham :'(
  2. Happy Birthday McDili you fucking waster. <3

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Dustin87


      moob can u and mcdili adopt me so my real dad doesent ground me anymore thx

    3. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Feliz cumpleaños señor McDili! 


    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Corporal Moob
    3. Snake
    4. Ace


      omg the smashing continues from ole moob here lololol classic 

  4. Meanwhile I'm just sitting here playing with my Johnson. I'mma stay outta the drama for once. Probably would end up with a harassment ban.
  5. FUCK! I wake up and I miss a Q U A L I T Y Thread, I woulda shredded some boys on that one. god dayum

  6. Recent Evidence and findings of my research may indeed conclude that Peter Long is infact, A Shitter. Edit: Oh, Who wants to see me get spangled by the hacker last night. https://gyazo.com/d3d58797e75c53788d20c6214dc9efa5 ^ Quality Spangle.
  7. See, he wouldn't understand the subtly or finesse in a quality smash, so sometimes you just have to go at it like a stone age Dumb Dumb.
  8. Nice, you don't play and you still gang-bang the forums. Secondly. It's not just him, If the issues that were a problem in the first place are now fixed, and it will certainly help the population AND like I said, it won't be just him so no crying plizandthnxarino.
  9. ''Freakin idiots'' ''Dumb Dicks'' Quality Southern-ness.
  10. Still seems like you might be out waiting in the wings with that one.
  11. One final smash for old times on the forums.
  12. RIP Ace 2015. ~ Smashed by RL.
  13. You literally said it in your own video. HAHAHAHAHA YOU REMOVED OMG LUL
  14. Logs in (No tags). Revives 2 NW, Refuses to revive Mory. I repeat. SMELL. YA. LATER. IDIOT.
  15. By the way. Might want to pay attention in your video audio before you post it ''Jordan, Just call yourself Icombatlogafterrespawn, cover your ass'' Top Meta 2015 #Recorded #Submittedonyourownvideo #Smellyourmediclateridiot.
  16. Wow. So when somebody kills me they make a video about it. SICK AF MANG. I MUST BE A STEAM ROLLER
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