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    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Doctor James

      Doctor James

      No sweety i told you it's Doctor James

    3. DeathDingo


      did u do it again Chrono?

    4. Chronorpheus


      i did it again. got lost in the game. oh bby bby

  2. i want to play. but every time i get in my medic heli the game crashes :(

    1. Installed


      I always get game crashes when I'm flying too, only time it happens really :/.

    2. Fedot


      Chrono Depending on your Driver i recommend a ROLLBAck of the Driver it happens to me too and uit Fixes when i run arma in admin and Driver rollback

  3. apparently girls don't poop or pee so i wouldn't know
  4. It saddens me that everyone thinks medic is a joke

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BENJI


      The only thing about medics is that whenever you say like stop reviving this guy they just say "You have to tell me a name or your gonna get banned" and it just gets annoying

    3. Odin


      Well... pay attention to who you are killing and it shouldn't be an issue? And if you aren't there to see the names... doesn't really matter if they're revived at that point.

    4. joel1818


      Hey man I think a medic is an awesome job! :) I think there awesome as long as they don't sit in kavala. I applied for Medic, but the server doesn't have all my hours counted. I will be joining you as soon as I get the hours.

  5. Not that hard to follow rules, guys.

    1. Papamunski


      seems to be too hard for a lot lol...

  6. I can only stand so many medic heli's and apples being taken by the server..

    1. Papamunski


      ive noticed it across other platforms, thankfully i havent had it fully freeze on me 2-3 times and i was on the ground...for me when i play koth i have to alt ctrl delete several times each session....very frustrating

    2. Papamunski


      typo..'have only' instead of 'haven't'

    3. SPBojo



  7. I've been getting a lot of requests to tow boats but i don't get the option to :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chronorpheus


      Ok i can't tow boats and i can't tow heli's. Is there a list as to exactly what i can and can't tow?

    3. Odin


      You can only tow behicles bought at a car shop. Anything from a boat, helicopter or truck shop may not be towed at this time.

    4. Chronorpheus


      but the submarine is the exception?

  8. Apples aren't working ;_;

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Chronorpheus


      seems to happen mostly on server 2. and when it does work the price says "26" but it's really like 90 or something

    3. Det. Payne
    4. Chronorpheus


      only the most greatest things ever

  9. Too much lag. Too much crash. Cannot save people :(

    1. Poseidon


      If you're talking about server 1, the file was reverted to the stable version. I was just testing jendraks map but it caused major performance issues.

    2. Chronorpheus


      nah it was on server 3. i crashed 4 times within the first 40mins with a major fps drop rate from 55 to 22. it's ok though at least i got to test out the earphones lol

  10. At first the apple prices were just wrong and now they're not working at all!

    1. SPBojo


      aww... not the apples... </3

    2. Deathtripper
  11. The Medic rules page is all messed up with [t-color] code btw

    1. Poseidon


      Fixed. Lemme know of other pages if you find em. Seems like some weird ip.board bug.

    2. SPBojo


      #blame poseidon

  12. I bust my ass to save people and seriously just get disrespected like that from cops. wtf

    1. SPBojo


      i love you and will always do, your the best r&r. Fuck the others.

    2. Rustyy


      what about me :( hahaha

    3. SPBojo


      Rusty, your nr.2, Chrono has saved me way to much <3

  13. Can i still play medic if i've taken a vow of silence?

    1. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      Does your vow include text messages or typing in side/direct?

    2. Chronorpheus


      i can still do that

    3. Odin


      As long as you can still communicate with others, you're fine.

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