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  1. its all fun and games until someone comes at your 3 necks
  2. its funny when you talk shit cause youre fucking fat as fuck xdxdxdxd
  3. cant even imbed a gif. how is this man a web dev YIKES!
  4. When people are soo fed up about Prime destroying everyone they come into contact with they had to use any excuse to perm them. G fucking G. #FreeTheBoys. Not ratbid tho.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Vcx


      Their not that great though at all maybe one or two of them and the good ones are permed oof

    3. Ronin


      did they all get permed?

  5. Darik is a free man #ElNegro
  6. TI v Prime Final. Prime takes the dub again
  7. whats the point of watching if the god silton isn't allowed to play
  8. Never gave me sanity gang funds but Ive known your dumbass for long time o7
  9. come to server 1 im on like 80% of the time always down to whip some ass
  10. Anything but. Back when I was in prime literally only 3-4 other gangs even bothered coming to warzone now that I im back and in DB im fighting many different new gangs fighting which is great to see how the newer community members fighting cartels which before was unheard of
  11. Gang life is the best it has been in a while cartel life is just different
  12. Malden failed because money didn't carry over. If this were the case there would be appoint of playing whereas having to start new is quite a frustration. Some say it would be like Tanoa and a money grind, possibly but highly unlikely as there was many factors contributing to the Tanoa money grind. Other than that I believe the removable of the rnr and attempt for more rp was great but the money carry over is a huge factor.
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