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Everything posted by Donald.

  1. I didn't know XD
  2. yeah man!
  3. Hey as many of you may know dash has disbanded as a gang, lets use this thread to say goodbye to Greenarrow and all of dash. Peace
  4. Hey im @28 seconds looking derpy as per usual. O7 my dude
  5. yeah i like the logo dude, its a great design goodluck
  6. its alright, is anyone able make that a Photoshop logo? Then it would look dope. Great sketch
  7. Just passed my PO test!!!

  8. I have a spare WiFi chip up for grabs. Meet me on the moon tomorrow at noon. A guy named Pedro will be waiting for you, Tell him I sent u.
  9. Yay lol, I just got my tags on the site updated!!

  10. Haha, unfortunately he is priceless
  11. Nice one
  12. Hey guys, I got a new kitten. I named him Charlie, he is 8 and a half weeks old and is so adorable! Kitten!
  13. Quote

    Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise

    -Some dead guy

  14. Try using Plays.Tv I have been using that for a while now to record, haven't seen any issues with FPS at all! Hope this helps
  15. Donald.


  16. Everybody, Have a great week. Stay safe!!

  17. Wow, Thanks guys. I made it to basic this week. Awesome

    1. destruct
    2. Donald.


      Thanks man, I love this new hatchback. It's a bit touchy though haha

    3. Ryan


      1 hour ago, Donald H. said:

      Thanks man, I love this new hatchback. It's a bit touchy though haha

      You just gotta drive the way @Destruct does 5963710fb8fac873b6fd86cc39534b17.gif

  18. Today I think I am being promoted to a basic paramedic. Kavala watch out. Imma tow your cars :)Image result for tow truck meme

    1. Decimus


      you can leave btw

    2. CIA JOSH

      CIA JOSH

      52 minutes ago, Decimus said:

      you can leave btw


  19. Happy Friday everyone. I hope you all have a great day!! Much love EveryoneImage result for much love gif 

  20. Wow, I am so pleased that I won the most liked comment of the Day. Thanks to all of you who helped me get to this point!

  21. Im really exited to hopefully become a basic paramedic this Friday!! Wish me luck guys!

    1. MAV


      did you have 20 hours in before midnight?

    2. Donald.


      I believe so MAV i am not to sure lol. Even so I was told by Coffee he would delay it 

    3. Geralt of Rivia

      Geralt of Rivia

      Been here for less than a week and he's already about to be a Basic Paramedic. Perhaps hope is not yet lost Olympus... not yet.

  22. Really enjoying the R&R experience so far guys. All of you are awesome

  23. Thanks so much for the insight.
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