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Everything posted by F U L T

  1. u wanna fucking bet m8
  2. rip getting on the server and trying to play with max pop at 110
  3. sorry who shitted on u on that cqc server bryce
  4. Can't wait for what's to come thank you Ryan.
  5. Is this rule still is effect, of the time peter long said Kyle Lake is always KOS it wont let me post actual clip
  6. F U L T


    I'm known for failing the PO test 3 times so don't worry too @Jester
  7. thank u
  8. is that a default one where is it in the settings
  9. I like plays.tv but its annoying that u have to quit the game to get a clip.
  10. @ThatNerdyGuy https://plays.tv/video/5d5204c6bcf58ab784/nerdy-said-granted-i-tested-his-bluff- Let's just say I can sometimes be good but most of the time I tier 4 retard At the end of the clip you see person named murphy die
  11. what u mean jets gonna be on top this season watch
  12. Man U. not a bad team. Liverpool still better
  13. yikes ur season about to be doodoo
  14. ?
  15. i assume jaguars since the profile pic
  16. that's not gonna happen with how the league is looking this year. For AFC east its gonna be 4. dolphins, 3.bills, and the jets and the pats, up and down for 1 and 2 The browns have built a super team so who knows how thats gonna go too. Wrong football ur thinking of Futbol, and if we were to talk about that Liverpool all the way.
  17. Its that time of year everyone what's your favorite football team, I'm a New Yorker born and raised so I'm a Jets fan, and I've had season tickets for them for the past 4-5 years.
  18. Anyone notice Mobz is just rejects of Noble and Skav
  20. wow someone is actually mad
  21. bitch u can i was the only ground unit while the rest were ghost hawks and i went up to the guy and tased him without accidentally initiating and i was told to let him go and he was allowed to rekey the quillan
  22. you can claim a quillan if u manage to steal one from a chief watched rev do it once
  23. Everyone down vote me cause I'm so mad about @Doctor Doom down voting me.
  24. its people from skav and then some.
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