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Everything posted by SAE Ice

  1. CS2 def gonna need team captains or something cus half these people prob silver
  2. They need to be banned tho feds at 3am should be considered a crime against humanity
  3. Doesn’t really matter who you are if you break the server rules you get a ban. Iv seen Multiple CoB guys get live bans. It could just be your evidence isn’t sufficient or you over looked something or maybe their POV showed something yours didn’t that made it valid. There are a lot of things to consider and I doubt the admins are showing a bias towards them. Hate to agree with franx but should probably read those links he posted to better understand reporting and the requirements for it and to make your your evidence is sufficient.
  4. 5m and a burrito
  5. TLDR?
  6. 2m + 14 redgull and a sting mag
  7. SAE Ice

    My trial

    Na homie you ratted on yourself once you'll probably do it again or take down people around you to keep yourself from getting banned again. Work on yourself lil bro.
  8. This is an insane build please list all your parts
  9. LMAO I would be pissed
  10. o7 man had a good time running shine with you and the boys a few years ago
  11. o7
  12. Recommend not staying long enough for them to wave in a 2nd time let alone a 3rd or fourth time
  13. L update removed to much drip
  14. Fuck it we ball
  15. How much for hatchback?
  16. Id have it done for free bro 10k is mega w
  17. Take it up the ass because you can just close your eyes and think your shitting but no way to make head less gay unless you are getting it from another dude and you put a paper bag on his head
  18. both for 10k
  19. Ong bro I think you missed
  20. Thank you Hayden, very cool!
  21. Looking good bro keep up the work
  22. https://files.zahzi.us/screenshots/6lZmMIdT_1587948491.gif
  23. SAE Ice

    WTB List

    Cop Stings bulk: 5-10 9mm suppressors bulk: 5-10 War points: 50-200 Misc War point items: Rockets,Guns,Suppressors Post offers
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