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Status Updates posted by Frato

  1. Wow this 50 mag change is great I went from using it every other life to now every third life great job guys we really changed a lot!

  2. Only sport I watch is gang wars all this football talk got me confused as fuck

  3. If putting your gun through the wall is exploiting then so should scroll wheel binding the ak-12 and rpk

    1. virus


      they're not binding scroll wheel 😄

    2. Toretto


      Why would “they” need to scroll wheel bind over using AHK or a mouse macro from like Razor or Corsair, etc? If it increases fire rate that much then it’s likely possible to add some sort of blocker to it. You know in games like CoD when you used to use a modded controller and get blocked from shooting too fast if caught?

    3. Frato


      @ Toretto I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt by saying it's scroll wheel, but a blocker would work just fine and solve the issue. I didn't know it would be possible

  4. Whoever added ruha needs to be removed for the love of god remove this dogshit map 

    1. Ryan
    2. Polly


      I have reworked some if not most all caps for the zones.

      when a patch is released it should fix some fps i was aware with the tree's aswell as some zones had glitchy area's and have been removed/reworked.    

      Also aware of the divots in the map, unfortunately not much i can do for the servers driving skills but make caps roadside.  

  5. When is invasion coming out I want come back to conquest, but I dont want to afk on a cap for 30 mins or throw just to get some enjoyment.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. BadserverBadPlayersl


      Mf u act like adding invasion will increase conquest pop. The only thing that will increase conquest pop is unbanning players or rewarding play styles that cater to roaches or backcappers

    3. mrs nesbitt

      mrs nesbitt

      @ hawkg  backcappers get rewarded by payouts, roaching on a cqc gamemode should not be rewarded at all

    4. BadserverBadPlayersl


      @ I bought olympus for 50k  I know man but theres no saving conquest pop all the good players are  banned new players wont play because they think smoke is scary

  6. @ skroodR Hope you're doing okay man stay as safe as you can

  7. Happy 40th birthday @ Fuzy !

    1. Fuzy


      Thank you, my favorite Chinese man. ❤️

  8. Happy birthday @ bummm ! Hope you will be free one day.

  9. Fire all of the s3 map designers

  10. 20 pop conq go crazyyyyyyyy

  11. RIP @ DABESTeva

    Every gang I was in with you was a blast. You were the highlight of every gang who always brought top tier energy and banter. You made not just arma, but every game fun <3. I'll miss hearing you smile. Sy on top forever!

  12. Looks like just as always, on forums, everyone is so smart and has everything to say, but in real-life, they're just cockroaches with no achievments, you people really never cease to amaze me with your stupidity and how retarded you are, but I do get it, a country led by a 90 year-old with dementia can't really have a double-digit IQ citizens, especially ones who spent their whole life on an mil-sim LIFE rpg game

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