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Everything posted by Frato

  1. Okay I may be a bit retarded but still fuck you. All the other seniors were useless though so i'll concede that you're right but im also right too
  2. The fact is though that none of that shit even matters you're just playing pretend with video game documentation. Anyone else who was half competent at the game could have done mindless unneeded paperwork someone who was half decent in swat should have got the whitelist not you. Doesn't matter if you do paperwork if you're not good enough to lead the faction just tell him to kick rocks. There were 100% better picks like proud, fuzy, aspen and monster who would have done whatever shitty unneeded busywork while still being able to lead the team and not make us get wiped every slam. Senior swat is good now just don't act like you did anything please when you were just a wasted slot.
  3. Only lasted slightly a month before I was blacklisted only had 3 or so conquests with a mk-1 even with an mx I was out-fragging every senior every conquest. Doesn't excuse their piss poor performance thankfully the roster is much better now but none of yall play
  4. Absolute horseshit you're capping out of your ass on this one. Every time you logged on you dropped once on flag then died and left. Same with you and mako at least Caden stayed on all three of you were a waste of a whitelist I never saw you guys go positive once while me and xlax and a few others had the entire faction on our backs you were an active hinderance to swat horseshit higher up swat like you were the reason the faction died.
  5. We had this exact same problem on swat. We had to follow rules that were simply just not in the handbook like you had to regroup 1k off cap because mako said so. It also doesn't help that a handbook for a videogame is as long as a dissertation making it impossible for anyone to learn the rules.
  6. This is cool and all but if it doesn't improve fps I ain't using it
  7. Can we get an eta on an update for conquest por favor
  8. Enable XMP in the bios also turn on fast terrain if you haven't already and turn down your view distance in your arma settings
  9. No point in using streched res you need the higher fov more than you need aim
  10. can we please stop posting our grippers on a forum for an arma server thanks
  11. If you're german you're cheating by default just how it is
  12. https://gyazo.com/fa2b370a45f1956cfc9e2ed883022bda Tried another program as well that said my drive was fine. I tried every memory allocator and limiting my ram and vram and nothing worked. Gonna try updating to windows 11 to see how it goes.
  13. Nice the drive my hard drive that the game works on is also failing that's why I assumed it wouldn't be that I appreciate the help i'll give it a go
  14. My temps are also fine and my windows is recently updated this has started happening a month ish ago
  15. Recently my game has been freezing and stuttering like crazy. I tried installing the game on my hdd and it fixed the problem, but then my game runs like ass. When my game freezes the texture bug thing comes up and fixes it, however it goes back to freezing in like a minute. This happens on all servers I'm pretty sure it's a memory leak does anyone have any fixes for this. I've already tried updating drivers, validating game files, installing drivers, disabling launch options, disabling mods and shadowplay. On rdm project if I do shift + - on numpad then type flush it fixes it for a bit please someone help I'm struggling here https://gyazo.com/793b5a96c8a295e397645ea5a2d2bdd1 https://gyazo.com/c10f1dc2dc62f2a90a49743abdee4cc0 https://gyazo.com/e253227dd3086d993fdeb4a6d0a78965 The shadowplay disabling is me gyazoing the clip
  16. Never in my life would I be caught re-using clips
  17. Wow this 50 mag change is great I went from using it every other life to now every third life great job guys we really changed a lot!

  19. This is some @ monster type music maybe not the best for an arma montage
  20. Only sport I watch is gang wars all this football talk got me confused as fuck

  21. I use arma montages if I need new songs, but this seems useful might look into it
  22. I just use a youtube playlist I ain't paying for some dumbass shit
  23. Frato

    Gunhand back at it

  24. It's "taking the piss" and silton isn't british lol
  25. If putting your gun through the wall is exploiting then so should scroll wheel binding the ak-12 and rpk

    1. virus


      they're not binding scroll wheel 😄

    2. Toretto


      Why would “they” need to scroll wheel bind over using AHK or a mouse macro from like Razor or Corsair, etc? If it increases fire rate that much then it’s likely possible to add some sort of blocker to it. You know in games like CoD when you used to use a modded controller and get blocked from shooting too fast if caught?

    3. Frato


      @ Toretto I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt by saying it's scroll wheel, but a blocker would work just fine and solve the issue. I didn't know it would be possible

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