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Everything posted by Wheatkings

  1. Since I was the Mod that was down there trying to discuss the issue with you and your fellow failie I feel its ok for me to respond to you. I want to first say, that arguing with me does not a civil conversation make. At times you were less argumentative then others, but the conversation was by no means civil from yourself and the other individual who failed. Not to mention that I'd already told you to stop arguing about your failure with the SGTs after I realized that they were spending an inordinate amount of time sitting in the room which we had moved those who had failed the interview. The head for APD, Travis, entered the room and listened to you and your compatriot "heatedly discuss" your inability to pass the simple test that was given to you, decided that I should not be subjected to your attitudes any longer and then stepped in and informed you both of how it was and how it has been for 7 months. He only got uppity when you both tried to interrupt and talk over him. The fact that you and the other individuals were unable to review and retain a simple bit of information which we use as a starting point, or baseline knowledge for the Deputy rank in APD is necessary so that we don't have to instruct you on everything. Its bad enough when we have people who do pass start providing miss information once they get in the game as it creates a huge snowball effect where all of a sudden no one remembers what they were supposed to be doing with in the rules. I'll admit that I have been away from doing interviews for awhile. I'll also admit that most of the applicant Deputies and even those that have passed interviews given by me would agree that I am one of the more difficult testers on staff. Some staff are more lenient. My personal belief is that if you want to be a part of a whitelisted group then you need to show and put the effort into learning the material provided, in this case the APD Handbook and Ticket Guide. If you are unwilling to do so, then why should we be willing to whitelist you? Failing the test is just as much of a test as the interview itself is. And you failed that too. If you get like this because you fail the test, then how are you going to be able to deal with the shit RDM'ers or combat loggers or anyone who gives you attitude or claims you've broken the rules? Are you going to fly off the handle with them as well? Anyway, based on your performance last night and your post it appears that Travis made the correct decision to not allow you to apply to APD again.
  2. You can reskin items that are already in the the game, but new items can not be added as that would require a download.
  3. SpyGlass is a Altis Life Anti-Cheat program. Currently it searches for: Scripted Anti-cheat blocking known public and private menu based scripts and other script resources. Automatic Battleye Log parsing checking against a database of known detections. Global centralized hub of detected cheaters which includes syncing from and reporting to.
  4. The Taru Bench is also an illegal Heli, so if cops catch one it will also be seized.
  5. You sir are laughable. There is about as much illegal with giving out a IP address as there is a phone number. IP addresses can be looked up with a simple Google Search to see who's using them, what city and what state they are located in.
  6. Make sure you are hitting OK twice after you add it in. A lot of people hit back and it wont save properly.
  7. Good to see you back chief!
  8. send me a PM with the ticket ID and I'll look at it.
  9. #Tiredofthewhiners!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Det. Payne

      Det. Payne

      I agree friggin whiners man

    3. Papamunski


      whining about the whiners wheat hehe

    4. Tman15tmb


      Yeah, I couldn't agree more Wheat

  10. Happy New Years! Papamunski I hope 2015 goes better for you!
  11. The Sport is currently slatted only for donators.
  12. Those look like great cards... but I'll clearly have to save up some more for them.... while they are only $500 some in the US, they are apparently $889 here in Canada
  13. Just for S&G's here's how the rest of the build went so far: Motherboard: MSI Z97 Gaming 7 Processor: i7-4790K (4.0 GHz) Graphics Card: TBD Memory: 16GB Corsair Vengence RAM Hard Drive: Samsung 850 500 GB SSD (for games), ADATA 125 GB SSD (for my OS) and WD 4TB HD (for recorded video and odds & ends) PSU: EVGA SuperNOVA 1000 G1
  14. Ok guys I was able to finished picking up the remaining missing parts to my new pc during the boxing day sales. I'm down to the final part, the video card. I'll be honest, to this point I've been a pretty hardcore AMD (or ATI) fan for a very very long time. I find myself leaning towards going that way again but I've heard that the Nvidia cards at this point may be better. I'm open to suggestions on what to get. I don't have a lot of cash at the moment (its amazing how a newborn sucks the life out of your wallet LOL ) so that is a factor but if I have to I'll sit back and save for a couple of months so I can get the right card instead of just a cheap card that I'll need to replace next year. As long as the card can keep up with my new i7-4790K and give me enough framerates so I can stream with out stuttering all the time I'll be pretty happy. Anyway, thoughts are welcome on the matter!
  15. I'm not rubbing your face in anything. You specifically stated that you'd not been banned before. I simply stated that you had and it was for harassment. I wasn't even talking about the one for 5 days for harassment that I just gave you, I was talking about the on Hades gave you. This post was made days before you even received your 5 day ban. Anyway, keep it up Benji and you may end up banned from everything too I'm pretty sure Travis already discussed this with you and I'm pretty sure you appeal has been dealt with. Anyway this thread has gotten way off topic and as such will now be closed.
  16. He can love you all he wants Ares, he's still going to have my babies!
  17. The rule states "One type of item" () So that would be: Inventory Items is one type Y menu items is one type Vehicles is one type Civie Items is one type.... ect ect
  18. Yes that is exactly as it means. You have a choice when you take someone hostage, you get their gear or their life. If you kill them you don't get their gear, if you take the gear you can't take their life. Why do you need their gear if your taking them hostage? Why not put it in your demands that you want a such and such police rifle with 4 tazer mags and $75,000 or whatever the new rule states? This was done because Civ's were abusing the hostage situation. Its unfortunate.
  19. You got it good sir! mmmm I'm pretty sure I've seen a thread discussion regarding you being banned for harassment somewhere around here....
  20. Chief I haven't been able to talk to you yet and thank you personally, I've been away due to a new addition to my family. As an APD member, a moderator and part of the admin staff here, in other groups and as a community leader I know you will never be able to get away from the drama. People love to try to start shit. Don't worry about them. Let them talk, thats what they're good at. I really appreciate the assistance that you've been able to provide to Olympus. Knowing that I'm going to have a place to play for a long time to come due to your support gives me warm fuzzies! Hope to see you online & ingame!
  21. This discussion has been had over and over and over again, a new thread does not need to be started. Go discuss it in the other thread.
  22. For someone who starts their post with "take your drama to private messages gentlemen" then decides to go off on a rant about Kratos and I you either have some hootspa or your not as bright as you think. Since you don't know me I'll point out that when you have a baby that was born 17 days ago and you spend the first 48 hours at the hospital and then your having to feed him every 3 hours for the first month it doesn't leave you with a heck of a lot of time for sleep let alone getting into Arma and playing. Just this weekend I was finally able to get back into the groove of Olympus and get some play time in. But what happened, I spent about 1/2 of that play time banning people because they just can't follow the rules, "YEAH fun time for me!" In the 15 days that I've been home from the hospital with my wife and new son I've taken the time to work on my Player Reporting tickets because I can do that with out having to actually get on the servers. I have completed about 25 tickets and have another 20 in my inbox which I have reviewed and still need to action, 5 in discussion with the ticket sender and 5 new ones as of this morning to deal with. Just as the Admins, the Mods have prescribed punishments that we are required to follow when we administrate. That can't be helped as much as we'd love to just fire off the Perma Ban Hammer at some of those people. Kratos and I can't help it if people are stupid and break the rules in front of us. If we see it or it happens to us, your going to see yourself get banned. Get over it. We're not paid yet we still spend hours of our time dealing with player reports, player whining, player harassment, support BS, and other general questions, not to mention that both of us have APD duties on top of that. Olympus has one of the top and quickest responding support systems around and we constantly get shit on for it. So before you continue sprouting BS about the moderators here's some things I'd like you to take care of: #1) Grow up; #2) Get some life experience; and #3) keep your uneducated opinions to yourself.
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