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Everything posted by CallMeBasedGod

  1. respect
  2. Anyone else's vehicles get deleted during the DDOS (server 2)? Had insurance, happened to a friends vehicle too.

    1. falcon


      If it got deleted, your vehicle should be back after restart. =)

    2. JebronLames


      yeah just lost my armed huron fuck

    3. DeadPool


      send comp ticket

  3. Anybody else have their trunk space wiped clean?

    1. Jorbis


      Vehicle trunk space or are you referring to your house? If you're talking about your vehicle, it disappears when it returns to your garage.

    2. CallMeBasedGod


      House trunk sorry.

    3. MidgetMuncher


      I've recently seen a bunch of people this has happened to. Might be because of the update, house storage got fixed

  4. so how am i supposed to prove (what do i have to put in a ticket) to prove my house got wiped clean of the drugs in it?

    1. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      A before and after photo of the inventory. Like an HGTV program, hahaha

  5. Server 2 being DDOS'ed?

  6. When was the server officially started?

    1. SPBojo


      around Jul 09 2014.

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