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Theseus last won the day on July 14 2015

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About Theseus

Legacy VIP
  • Birthday 09/12/1977

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  1. Good luck!
  2. ^^^^ what he said
  3. That is RDM, if Fedot is doing that submit evidence and it will be handled accordingly.
  4. If you are initiating a gang war that's different, if you are texting EVERY person in the server to just go around killing people to avoid RP, that is what I am talking about.
  5. To all, Please do not send every player on the server a blanket message of "Hands up or die by "insert gang tag" to get around having to RP. If you are in a specific area and are targeting a specific set of players that's fine, however you can NOT send the entire server that message to avoid RP. This was happening last night and is not an acceptable form of game play. It caused some players in the aggressor gang to be RDM'ed, and those gang members who where killed/tazed were not even aware the message had been sent from their gang to players in their area. Those that were doing it know who you are, and so do the admin's/mod's. If your gang is involved in something in Sofia, you can not have a gang member in Kavala send out mass messages, you must have the gang member in the area send the message to the specific targeted players.
  6. One problem that "noobs" as you call them suffer from is RDM'idus, which is they log on, buy a gun and start trying to kill everyone, then they get wreked, lose what they had to start with and then have zero funds/equipment. What they should do is ask around, pull a quad and start doing small runs, build a small base, get a good concept of the game, then they can legally wrek foo's!!
  7. I will agree to disagree!
  8. If you boost the legal items, the same thing is going to happen, any item that is worth the time and effort to make a large profit, will be sought out by all, especially larger gangs. All you would achieve is a shift from mass illegal camping/robbing to mass illegal and legal camping/robbing. The gangs that give you a hard time have the numbers to lock down both. By keeping legal items at a lower price, it allow's larger gangs to focus on the most profitable, being illegal, and they only prey on legal items if a "target of opportunity" presents its self in most cases. In addition to keeping the larger gangs running illegal items as they are at a higher price, it also forces them to deal with APD and other larger rival gangs, which should in return divide their concentration and in theory keep them limited to preying on legal zones. This is not always the case however you can never really ever expect to have easy street on any profit making ventures in Altis Life, that's just how the game mechanics work. Even while running legal items you have to be smart and cautious on how you operate. Here is a simple set of "guidelines" that can help your venture. 1. do not set a pattern 2. run with 3 or more members if you plan on doing a big run 3. steer clear of large transports, tempest devices and heli's (like a huron) 4. pick times/routes that will help to conceal your operation 5. Buy a house in the middle of gather/processor or near a processor and do not try to gather/process during the same run 6. Have a lookout and keep an eye on market prices 7. Watch for chatter to get an insight to what other gangs are doing and try to work around them. 8. Create diversions by pushing "misinformation" to mislead other gangs into thinking you are in an area other than that of which you are 9. and finally, RP RP RP, if a gang runs up on you, and you have great RP (that is if they don't merk you on the spot) they will usually only take a few items from you and let you live if you don't immediately get all butt hurt and start bitching or acting like a 5 year old brat who is whining and crying. Most people will respond positively to great RP, you may not get off scott free, and may not even get away with you life, however your chances are waaaay better if you do.
  9. Sending out prayers, if there is anything else I can do let me know!
  10. Best Shot: Moob, wreks fools Best Driver: Not TMan Best Heli Pilot: Not Tman Best Officer: Peter Long, he was my training officer, so everything I know I owe to him!! Best R&R: Muth, despite his many many faults, he is still awesome at what he does! Best Kavala Troll (Not rulebreaker, legitimately funny RP): Ham of Moose/Gary Best RP'r: Peter Long Most Tactical: Moob, again, will wrek folks Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: Dili, something about his RP just makes me laugh Most Reliable: Odin, is always grinding both in front and behind the scene's Most Dedicated Player: SPbojo, you have to be dedicated to post as much as he does And finally... Most Valuable Player: Odin, He is a cop, R&R, Admin, Dev and a great friend.
  11. Welcome to the Olympus community, you will have a blast. Oh and you have to try Grandma Garys' cookies! They are the best!
  12. If you were accepted for an interview and it was about a month ago then yes, you will be fine Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  13. Not saying any one specific person was in fact giving out the interview questions, only a suspicion. So in order to improve upon our fighting position we made the test so that the applicant could be presented with content that would tickle their brain housing group. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  14. There is a 30 day limit which is identified when you initially submit a ticket (its stated in your acceptance email). However if its not to far over that, I will usually accept that ticket number. If its 2 month's old, you will have to re-submit.
  15. Medics are on server 2, we ensure that medics are spread evenly. With that said, if there are two medics on and 60 players in server 1 and 10 on server 2, we do allow both medics to be on server 1 depending on demand. If you do perceive that to be incorrect please feel free to send me a message when you identify this and I will asses the dispersion of medics and the current demand on the servers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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