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Lincoln Williams

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Lincoln Williams last won the day on May 11 2019

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About Lincoln Williams

  • Birthday 03/12/1916

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    Lincoln Williams#3816

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  1. Yes, because @Ares told all the devs to ignore the hacks and let them keep happening instead of working every angle to fix them. 

    Removing him for @Jesse because of the "current state" would be stupid. Jesse did good shit but if he really cared about the server he would offer a fix if he had one instead of trying to create more turmoil. 

    I don't necessarily think ares is perfect but it's not like he created this hack that is currently causing the server hell. 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup
    3. maxg


      @Peter Long come back, we need you if we want olympus to last another couple of years

    4. Jesse


      I would just come from a competitor and be like here have a fix to your issue? Especially when there is posts saying "We have a solution.. blah blah"??? Like what? Fusah knows the issue from our Snapchat conversation last night. Also, no one here told me about the issue, it was actually an Asylum staff member who told me. No one here has reached out to me for help with it? Why should I just walk in to the restaurant that treated me like shit not too long ago and make my own food?

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