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Lincoln Williams

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Everything posted by Lincoln Williams

  1. btw Joe called me last night... wasn't happy about you breaking it off with his sister... you do understand we can't go there for coffee now right?
  3. As much as I enjoy spending my entire time on duty running back and forth reviving with no pause for breaks. I do enjoy rping. And will continue to even in a "wasteland". I'm just asking others to respect my likes... just like I respect people wanting to shoot at each other all day.
  4. so instead of composing responses that have no help on the subject... help us to bring more rp into the server. join me in the rp revolution!
  5. If you see the new medic cones/ barriers being placed... please keep in mind they were given for more rp. That being said... As easily as it is to just plow over them... realize we might be rping a situation and either join us or drive around them, please. Or I might stab you in the eye with a morphine pen foo
  6. *breathes a sigh of relief* guess I can remove myself from the donor list now
  7. time for me to make my post about being sorry for changing his mind and now I'm leaving... maybe
  8. plus pending where it was.... doesn't necessarily have to be the cops that send you
  9. flat out taking your fluffy out... you just gonna be a deflated bear... limp and useless
  10. ok so why the post then? community change mind kinda thing or ? I'm not against what you said but if I called my job and said I think about quitting... Chances are they gonna show me the door and not let me keep my stapler... love that fucking thing too
  11. I'm confused... is this a goodbye post or a maybe goodbye? You stated you were thinking about it but...... ok for real... are you leaving or not? if so you were always cool to me.. if not, enough with the long drawn out posts if you staying..you mixing my emotions! *wipes eyes* fuck... jalapeno on my fingers brb
  12. Stalker

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RubberDuck



      I pissed myself yesterday when you said, "let me revive this guy, I need all the money I can get off him."

    3. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      rofl you were on a dnr from all other medics

    4. RubberDuck
  13. In every hurricane there is a calm in the center. That's where I like to stay. Sometimes I do end up in the high winds and rain... but always manage to find my way back to the middle. 

    Best advice.... keep out of the storm as much as possible. 


    RIP Lost valued Olympus members and staff. 

    1. DeadPool


      Not doing anything is the same as doing the wrong thing

    2. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      can't save everyone.... hold those precious to you the closest.... screw the neighbors cat.

  14. Civilian Conversation: "Yeah man we just..... oh shit the cops run!!! Wait.... ahahaha stupid cops can't fly... watch he's gonna blow up..........WTF RUN THEY ARE WIZARDS!!"
  15. welcome. please ensure you read all the rules here as there is a mass difference between the two.
  16. I knew him back in the day.... he was grumpy and violent.... now he's just grumpy with a syringe at disposal.
  17. 5 dollars for your med kits..... once payment is accepted please hand them out to the entire server courtesy of Lincoln Williams the medic
  18. I miss you.... no not you... you... yes you

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      got plenty to pass along bruhar... catch me in teamspeak lol

    3. Vancey


      I missed you too

    4. Lincoln Williams
  19. Does this apply to phones? Cause if I lose my pokemon I'm gonna rage. Dam I feel a weight is off my shoulders.
  20. I read it all....I feel good in saying I can beat you in a war lol
  21. nobody likes moob but he somehow got as far as he did...*shrug*
  22. nobody likes you

    1. CheeseGrater
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      Lincoln Williams sucks dick

    3. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      look you British wank....nobody asked you

  23. The arma God is against me right now.....I shall prevail!!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mercury


      Do you want us to lie down and die like common men? WE are not common men, sir.

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      Oh, when the Arma God kills you, you won't be laying down. You will be flying through the air, your body spangled, folded in on itself, with your head sticking out of your chest with a smile on your face. It will not be pretty. It is known. 

    4. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      The arma God is denying my puter, Peter! I wish I could experience the in game God :(

  24. You slag. I hope you get your dick stuck in the vacuum. 

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