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Lincoln Williams

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Everything posted by Lincoln Williams

  1. Not my fault you ain't got a hot momma. Momma Williams is a 10. Hands down. Least I hope she is otherwise why are people always saying they just left my mom's house?
  2. Don't see the point in wasting perfectly good sex with either *shrug*
  3. Picking up the new laptop today... so hopefully will be back on olympus this weekend. Im here for my own roleplay so if you're actually interested in it.... you'll see me in game  ;)


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      Well when you see me in game.... expect it

    3. CocoisDead


      i will take it as engagement if you try to roleplay with me and i will shoot you in the head...








      its a joke ;c

    4. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      Sent 28min ago. Not valid now sir! ;)

  4. What if you just turned it into a threesome?
  5. You're still a girlie man

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. RubberDuck


      could have sworn you were a cop, and dont take it personal my memory is horrible. Think im going brain dead. Cant even remember what I ate for dinner the night before.

    3. Lincoln Williams
    4. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      And p.s....I beat you down once...I will do it again. 

  6. Even Darwin is going "No"
  7. What's on my mind? Confusion why all medics are bad because of one. 

    o7 thermostats, peaches, fords (this one is real), snowstorms, boot soles, and finally hello kitty adventures 

  8. Dedicated to all that wish they could fly. 


    1. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      p.s. my Mohawk sent this to me... very emotional moment

  9. And there we have it. So good luck on the legalization guys!
  10. A medic is to value his life.


    That being said... do not be mad at me for being in a Mohawk 50m above the ground and not feeling threatened while you unload pdub clips into the bottom. 



  11. We never get invited.... I'm dnring you all till medics get invited to events. *puts pout face on and crosses arms*
  12. lol rather go down in history going postal with a mk200
  13. @DeadPool1337.......i yell at people for shooting at me cause I don't want my suit bloody or dirty... ill be damned if I'm gonna be ripping off parts of my uniform lol
  14. not if a medic had to issue the card kinda like a debit card. and still illegal to smoke in public places. but if you were to get in trouble with the cops it would show in the inventory like the drugs do.
  15. I posted a suggestion in the medic forums about implementing a medicinal card to players for a limited amount that could be carried. this would obviously come with restrictions and cost... but could turn into some good rp p.s. I posted in the medic forums after I saw this post... just so you know you have credit
  16. this couldn't be a truer statement. anyone who knows me knows I'm only here for the rp. but most civ either don't know how or just don't care. there's times ill spend 10 minutes rping with someone I just revived and other times I try to rp and they just bitch they were laying on the ground for 3 minutes. my suggestion is to rp with everyone and hope the awesomeness spreads to others.
  17. How I picture it in my head.

    *Very dark.. suddenly massive explosions, car alarms going off, bodies everywhere. Someone screams "MEDICCCCCCC". I rush over despite my own safety to save anyone possible...I am their only hope. *


    How it actually is. 

    *Car crunch noise... sudden explosion.. Someone requests..I rush over to save him...I am his only hope!  "Revive him and die you piece of shit medic... and why you naked? "*


    Fucking arma 

  18. Wanna know why I rage? Moments like this. 


    *Spend two hours detailing vehicle. Perfect.* 

    "Honey, can you go get some bread?"

    *Sweet chance to drive clean vehicle a mile down the road. Pull out of driveway... make turn onto main road and....*




    Now you know. 

    1. DeadPool
    2. Skeeter McGraw

      Skeeter McGraw

      Having an all black car is insane. The upkeep is crazy. 

    3. Lincoln Williams

      Lincoln Williams

      @DeadPool1337rofl yah after I posted mine my page refreshed to see his

  19. If you're gonna threaten me with a rook... expect me to laugh at you. I deserve better. 

  20. Lol depends on who's on the end of the syringe
  21. this man is clearly racist against medics... I'm prescribing ten lashes and a mandatory castration
  22. comp or ban noob... I'm friends with the owner you tried to vdm!
  23. or is he... dun dun dunnnnnnn
  24. You don't have to like my decisions... or my motives... but you will deal with the fact that my lollipops cause anal leakage... cause you love em. 

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