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  1. Got murdered and lost a mar-10 DMS kit with suppresser and ENVG's please revive/comp thanks
  2. You legit said that Yes was obviously going to win before it was "soured". Then go on to say that the people have voted and wanted you to stay. You made a contradictory statement but, not gonna argue no point after this. In my opinion it's up to you no point in asking the forums.
  3. wait if the majority wouldve obviously been no then howd u also come to the conclusion that the majority preferred you here?
  4. Reading this made me lose every brain cell I had. As @ ares said I’m never getting the time I spent reading this back for it all to end in “Oh someone switched the votes.” Stay if you wanna stay leave if you wanna leave choose your own fate.
  5. Saw your video and thought of this one. Idk how you still going on about this for 2 weeks but gl I guess
  6. Bushz


    I missed nothing I see. *Grabs popcorn*
  7. This was an interesting topic to come back to.
  8. 1 potato
  9. First off Dankpods, 88, Tilde, and TP are dead there are a few surviving members but they play once in a blue moon. Also u can buy an rpg and 4 missiles for what 75wps and 10 per rocket. if you buy an rpg with 4 rockets its around 1.5mil with wps if u buy them for 13k each which is normal going price. They aren't hard to get and the people that use them are being the ones at the front of the gate. I'm honestly amazed others don't use them myself because of how cheap they are. Another counter point Cops dont lose anything from Escort other than the money from vehicle. Their kits are free. Their vehicles are pennies on the dollar and the only person who loses money is the truck buyer. Meanwhile I could be rocking a Mk200 suppressed kit and its worth more than that Escort alone and that's just me. Civs lose wayyyyy more when it comes to feds than cops do to Escort.
  10. Rest in peace to the man was a real chill dude to play with.
  11. that's what they all say right before they execute you.
  12. I remember being Support Team and starting this shit that was a funny asf thing to happen
  13. Is this another 88 kid complaining about medics SMH. Do yall ever just think man this is never gonna work.
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