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Everything posted by Hunter

  1. Hunter


    Kinda depressing what has happened to Olympus guess it’s time to go play Anzeus
  2. No way in hell your getting that much maybe 3-4m
  3. bruh only 10 i carry 30 at all times
  4. i can get a mk1 loadout for 166k wetsuit 2k helemet 15k vest 35k backpack 2k mk1 125k mags 15 7.5k
  5. I would recommend a type/MXM and a carrier lite the mxm put a 100 round mag into it
  6. @Noahhh! yikes still havent sold it
  7. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198813581206/screenshot/785237465821826487 Includes several stings and mk200s
  8. Hunter


    no I need a more negative score then you
  9. Go to support make a ticket and choose ban appeal
  10. Hunter


    Guys get me to 100 downvotes please
  11. Offer what range do you think your willing to pay?
  12. https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198813581206/screenshot/787488769199835029 as
  13. 10/10 keep up the great work Hadi let the annual suicide bomb execution begin
  14. yep got banned for that i died but a mate was in the 1km area he started fighting them i got up tazed one of the guys that killed me we both had tags but then i reported for something simelar and it got denied
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