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Joshua24842 last won the day on January 27 2015

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About Joshua24842

  • Birthday 07/28/1996

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  1. RDM had me like: *throws computer out window and sits back in chair*

  2. I had some work I was doing, I just got piled up with things and didn't play at all during those 2 weeks. I did not know I was supposed to let someone know I would be busy? McDili. I know you know me, I'm not an inactive player, or inactive on the APD, especially being a Patrol officer. I was just busy. And Id like to come back and be able to play as I was. Is it possible this can be appealed? and if so, how can I go about doing it?
  3. Anyone else get de-whitelisted after the server wipe from APD? I was a regular playing, long term player, who was a Patrol officer. after wipe, it's gone. not sure why. anyone else have this happen to them?
  4. Those are all really good views. I actually had not considered the people who don't have allot of time to play, but love to play. That makes sense to me, I mean. If I didn't have allot of time to play, I would want to actually play on the new map, without having to start over again. I'm personally on the reset team. But. I totally can see why some would feel otherwise.
  5. I've heard of the talk, What are your thoughts on a server wipe?
  6. I was thinking, all these huge updates that will be rolling out are really going to impact gameplay. Like; fixing bugged house ownerships, item duping, money duping, as well as a fresh new map that's going to COMPLETELY change the way were used to playing. It would only make sense, that when this huge update rolls out, that the server got wiped as well? Not our play times, or kills/deaths, not personal stats, but things like houses we own, currency, things like that. To fully have a fresh start would be amazing! everyone starting new, with a new altis, a new chance. Without there being a bunch of people with huge pockets of money due to glitching, and houses that are owned by many, and all the people out there who have duped their gear in their house so many times, that they never need to go to a rebel outpost again. anyway. My point being, it looks like, if there isn't going to be a full server wipe, it would be awesome if one did happen! Anyone agree/disagree? I'm totally curious as to how others feel about this.
  7. Is this a part of the updated map for olympus?
  8. of course! I'm here to defend you. It was entirely our fault. I voted; C, btw. It only makes sense. it also makes it a fair advantage to the civ's. in the sense that they could try to free their friend to aid them in battle. in the same way cops get to re-spawn and come back. it's just fair. and yes. for anyone who hasn't played with you, or your friends. your all definitely tight asses regarding the rules. which I love and respect. we need more players like that.
  9. I personally didn't think you were even that type of guy to do that, I've played with you all very much throughout the months. also I understand the risk of escorting a player, and it was our fault he was killed, and I apologize for any false accusations that were put on you. Please let stealth know this as well.
  10. Tonight as an APD member, stationed in kavala, burban's gang (the burrito bandits) captured the nearby gang hideout. 20 minutes later the entire altis police force is on site, having a 10 v 4 with burban. I manage to capture stealth, and begin escorting him back to a vehicle, when he is shot and killed by a fellow member. note; he is wanted for almost 2 million. I myself was a bit discouraged at this point, being that we had went through all the trouble to catch him. but stealth, being the up right guy he is, sends us a text saying that was not intentional, and then came to kavala HQ to turn himself in. this may not seem like much to many of you, but if you think about it, it's a pretty big deal for someone to turn themselves in, on the grounds that they just simply don't want people thinking they're the kind of gang that kills their own members, just to avoid arrest. anyway. my point; they may kick your ass in a gunfight and steal everything you live for, but don't let that fool you, they're some of the most rule abiding and honest players I have ever had the pleasure of playing with. and I thank you for being such an example, stealth, toad, smitty, and everyone else whom I don't have the mental capacity at this hour to name.
  11. I had no idea you could do that! But that surely explains it! thank you very much, Aiden.
  12. It wasn't a normal marker though. It was like a symbol.
  13. I saw the other day, there was an icon on the map out in front of the DMV in Pyrgos, and it said "Slave Trade"... I'm curious as to what this is, and how it can be done? I have not been able to find anything in the forums about it. also. seeing that inspired me and my gang, and we had our own slave trade with 5 slaves. ended up selling 3 of them for a total of 425,000 before we got ambushed. It was hilarious though! anyway. I was just curious as to if there was a way to get the slave trade icon to appear publicly server wide on the map. thank you, Josh
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