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Everything posted by BombsInTheChurch

  1. some of the most level headed individuals
  2. Thanks im gonna try this stuff. I am really tidy a lot of my wires are tucked now but certain ones like my PC cable and monitor cables arent and can't really be. My phone charger is usually unplugged and with me at work but when I'm sleeping I have it charging my phone I'm usually watching with my airpod and so he chews that while I'm passed out and my airpod fell out one time and he chewed it too. its annoying but I love him. My room is def more cat proofed now though just still a couple things I cant really control so maybe if I get him some chewing toys and spray for shit I cant put away ill be good. Thanks im gonna buy some chew toys and get some of these to cover the wires. He has lots of toys but I was looking and there's a lot of things specifically made to chew on So true. He's a gem though wouldn't have it any other way.
  3. I got an orange boy a couple months ago. Things were going good for the first month with occasional knocking things off my shelves. But now he has turned into an absolute cord menace biting through my monitor cord and charger for my phone. During the day he’s at home while I work 2-10:30 but usually nothing is messed with. I’m up from 10:30- 2/3 most nights playing games and other stuff on my computer with occasional breaks to play with him and pet him if he isn’t resting already. But when I sleep from 2or3-10or12 I wake up and things are missing off my side table (chapstick, glasses, etc.) and a couple of my cords have been chewed through. I have my alarm clock and AirPods charger tucked now only barely coming out to plug in but my phone charger is usually just on my bed charging my phone while I fall asleep watching a video. And because of this it has fallen victim to this menace. I wear AirPods to bed to listen to music or audio books and these fall out of my ear sometimes and now also have a large bite mark in them. Please give me some ideas to stop this freaky boy from ruining any more of my stuff. Thank u.
  4. -rep fucked my dog

    1. ben-


      ONG ACID THAT FUCKED JENNA @ katheeri  @ williamm  @ monster

    2. ben-


      Nice dox please get this criminal off the forums

  5. handsome but rude for downvote 

  6. fat ugly and dumb 

    1. proud


      downvotes got niggas actin up huh

    2. -dante-
    3. Benne


      facecam later?

  7. image.jpeg.2ca493d22a5f927b533af8f890ca9f85.jpeg

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Millennium


      @ Community Director Sov the tree was implemented there for years.

    3. BombsInTheChurch


      Fix it fix it fix it pretty please we need to sacrifice 

    4. The Antichrist

      The Antichrist

      @ Millennium  Inclined to believe.  I was told a lot of things were impossible that ended up being implemented.   

  8. I just came back today :/
  9. "12 Dollars paypal you will not do a backflip in this ghost hawk right now" 

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Did you send the 12 dollah though?

    2. BombsInTheChurch


      I'm working on it


    3. Lucki


      I'm waiting... that $12 can be used to buy IG money to replace the amount that I lost on 3 ghosthawks blowing up. lol

  10. Hello all Olympus players and staff, I'm Acid if you don't know who I am, I was part of the gang MC for a while but was mostly gone due to school and sports recently they have decided to let me go and I decided to leave olympus for a little until I have more time to play and not have homework and sports. But thank you everyone for all the funny and great memories and thank you to MC for being accepting and understanding for everything. Be back soon. -Acid
  11. Shout-out to the teacher that gave us 5 minutes to do a quiz :Kappa:

    1. JoeL


      Shout-out to my teachers that give us 2 Hours to do finals that take like 30 Minutes... :huh:

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