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Everything posted by Monks

  1. Yeah but personally i don't think the rule is very specific and has a lot of grey area
  2. Swearing means nothing in this day in age. Its the fact that as a cop you are expected to behave in a professional manner and roleplay every situation out as if it was irl. Tasing someone then saying "get shit on retard" literally is the opposite of that. Just chill out bro we just roleplayin out here.
  3. Im not butt hurt lol and im not gonna respond in the same way bc im not toxic and quite frankly, thats childish. Im just asking if this is actually allowed for cops to do because it is slightly annoying to have an rando deputy shit talk the entire time he processes you. I just want some quality roleplay mannnnn
  4. Lmao personally in ts i feel anything is fair game. But in game that dep was being a fuck. Even before you logged on right after they tased Mr. fuck you before the whole argument started he was already saying stuff like "get fucked on" and "stfu your honestly autistic." I just want some other opinions on where the line is drawn. I know my friend was being toxic but if you were there from the start you would see the dep started the whole controversy
  5. So i know in the APD handbook it says cops must behave professionally around civs as a normal cop would. But i guess this line between professionalism and friendly banter is not very specific. Because nowadays there are cops literally walking around shit talking, calling people retards/autistic, and genuinely being toxic while on cop. I have 1 in mind specifically but what is your guys opinion on this?
  6. You got completely off track with this. I'm not saying your ban was justified but even if it was was justified why would you need comp for it. You got wrongfully banned bro, tough luck.
  7. The definition of comp is compensation for something that was lost. While getting banned sucks you lost nothing other than time on the server. So unless you want a couple hours added to your play time you really don't need comp lmao.
  8. Pulldowns doing their thang https://gyazo.com/f84e50f248df4bfb200b1bfb7a9ea63f
  9. No kav should be named Allababway Mcgenigans
  10. I tried bringing this up when i was civ council. It was denied because sAPD are weirdos
  11. You deserve an award for most useless forums post ever.
  12. Lol idk who bubs is but i know ive fought anomaly a couple times and literally all they do is push cap with MX's and get shit on lol
  13. Knowing money man mudiwa over here hes gonna find a way to scam and get the server for free...
  14. Whats the most roleplay esc situation youve had on olympus. I'm curious to know because as we all are aware, Olympus is a kos server no matter what.
  15. Ngl it really doesnt feel like that. Ive won about 2 bets and lost like 30. While some people (like @Birb) dont really seem to lose much. Because technically there is no such thing as randomness with a computer generated system.
  16. The thing is... Someone has to be losing all that money. Its not just creating money out of thin air. I think they should write a new script for the bets because i have no proof of this, but i swear when you log onto olympus for the first time, you are either assigned the 90% Win and 10% loss ratio or vice versa. Or maybe im just stupid idk.
  17. Only one good one my friend!
  18. Are you addicted to gambling? Boy have i got the place for you. Its called the High Roll3rs Casino. A place for all your betting needs. No more gambling on a 50 - 50 system that can majorly fuck you over. Now you can gamble safely in a good ole game of blackjack! The casino is trustworthy and will never attempt to steal your money. Simply join this discord https://discord.gg/7ypk7EH and start making money! Use code 42069 for 50k credit! Time to get rich!
  19. hmmmmmm
  20. Too bad all the black people cops shoot die instead of getting tased
  21. Why is the Voice Over Net so bad on olympus? People say its the number of players on at a time but other servers like koth have 90 players or over usually and have great proximity voice chat. Is there any way to make the communication higher quality?
  22. Cocaine and Meth are illegal irl too but we still do it
  23. I think its fine other than one time where a cop exploited into a rock and proccessed me inside it lmao
  24. Monks


    Im standing outside at 630 in the morning waiting foe my bus rn. Its cold and rainy. What should i do.
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