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About Daniel162:^)

  • Birthday 04/25/2000

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  1. Minimum bid is starting at 20m
  2. has a garage you can pull cars from. 50m, but make offers and I'll decide. Screenshot (gyazo.com)
  3. that may be ranked top 5 dumbest shit i have seen on the forums.
  4. amazing
  5. This is an absolute masterpiece, probably the best thing this forum has ever seen.
  6. Me to they trucks a pos Whish it has a 426 hemi but those cars only came with a 318 and a 340 I believe this one has a 318 but it will be seeing some upgrades lol
  7. Restoring this old classic
  8. 5c hotel for meth on left side of processor 30mil, its on the market go take a look.
  9. lol welcome to Olympus, admin abuse has been around since the beginning
  10. lol if you don't think snr+ and devs don't abuse then you havn't played olympus long enough
  11. this needed to happen a few years ago lmao
  12. bitch about blackfish, yet apd pulls a ghost hawk everytime they get wiped or they see one armored vehicle..
  13. lol I don't need that shit
  14. nah the current one but that one was pretty dog
  15. why was coke pro changed in the first place lmao
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