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Everything posted by Fedot

  1. Hey he wont only effect merica u know, if he hits that big red button he is killing all of us
    1. Fedot


      Pre MCPD days when ppl weren't anal af

    2. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      Fedot > Any APD on Cop Force is a statement I can support only now that I've left :Kappa:

    3. Fedot


      @Lethals Loaded Disclaimer any APD officer who Likes this post will be promptly blacklisted for any reason under the moon

  2. Even some MCPD members agreed that it's MCPD, fucking sheep u are She OBV earned PO by Not playing therefore she didnt fuck up kappa
  3. Yo welcome to Olympus and Life in general xD
  4. Welcome to whitelisted factions Big boy where smedics play corp but dont know shit rules and sAPD play SAR and fuck around and be bias Normally sMedics get Corporal
  5. the Medics and Cops have some deal been that way since the end of McDillis reign
  6. It's not in poseidons control tbh, OVH has some external Firewall setting blocking query packets when the server is under load.
  7. Ey yo shout out to ma boi GarBear, for being old af keep it "Hip" oldie

  8. You win a free 2 Gallon Drum of Salt! please pick it up in kavala while I am on!
  9. Well, first you can tell it's a Base64 of AES256* To DeCrypt it You must have both the phrase with the public key of AES The Phrase is 4 words long. inb4 mcpd GL
  10. LoL I haven't left? I'm closely monitoring the situation and waiting for the right time to strike. I'll be back bitches. Also Reason why I left GL with decryption RHeYwqUxzTGft/SsTbPvPariy9rsITxOxo03cAC+VKV/NcNxdoK0ujKsxIqu0brFypY0XBRThXl8PnSCDTDXa/t3+Hex03Za+BUKcKcWVazlk5UgJU29d1TS+8EHzpw3qwS5f/8ymlxmmRFg7haRHHYQJz446Q5JyW3JqJZynOsFpyoVTprVpMEUYr9/Z+82py8elXk2OQ5zAlekZhY07w==
  11. That moment when your hacks are so good ppl think your shit at game. @Zahzi @Stix @JBruesch

    1. Stix


      shhh no one knows 

  12. Not sure why you are still allowed to have an account UPDATE: Original Post was unlocked Thanks McDilli
  13. or you can choose words that arent as cancerous and be constructive like, is bad but i see nothing wrong with a good roast here an there
  14. they do but that's for a different thread. This thread is just what locking a thread does
  15. Dustin that's just of recent and the main reason why i'm bringing this up now
  16. Remember Crookz Days xD the good days. Good Old Olympus. I would speak my mind but I fear of getting moderated tbh
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