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Status Updates posted by Fedot

  1. I think i fixed stats page, Msg me if anybody has any issue

  2. Umm Stats broke.... Blame Poseidon

  3. VGozLPH.png

    The Eco Update fucked shit up

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Marty


      Inflation for the win

      O, i bought a house so i could get gold from christmas trees if i remember correctly

    3. Fedot


      Do you track this by your self? You do realize i have all this data for 90 days

      @Grandma Gary Yeah I relize its there but now its too easy

    4. Marty


      ya, i do. I only started it recently so the data before mid-January isn't completely exact; i used the http://r06u3.com/api/player/ to try to get those numbers

      ya, i do. I only started it recently so the data before mid-January isn't completely exact; i used the http://r06u3.com/api/player/<player> to try to get those numbers

      oops accidentally posted twice

  4. That moment when it's been snowing for 2 months straight and still only have a dusting #ForumLogic

    1. Isaac Newton

      Isaac Newton

      I'd rather weather be consistently one thing than going up and down in temperature like it is here. Curse you El Niño

  5. Large Gangs should be banned from using Side.... IE the bitching is cray, i dont bitch in side alot i just MSG spam the fuck outta dem

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RogueMK


      buts thats where 80% of peoples skills are

    3. Fedot


      @Bow it's only funny when i'm there to make it worse and entice salt

    4. Bow


      See, I'm only trying to help everyone by making them pissed in side. The most pissed they are, the more salt they produce, the more money they could be making at the salt trader. :)



    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. ComradeGoonie


      Nice shade of blue. Baseboards suck though. :P

    3. Peta


      you deserve a better chair...

    4. Fedot


      @Grandma Gary Bbe i'm not worried about you knowing where i live, I'll leave the back door unlocked for you ;). Im worried about SCRUBS like an Evil Fedot coming to my house

      @pHunter I do lol it's an Old ass chair i stole from an Office i was renovating

      @ComradeGoonie Its an older house and idc enough to fix it lol

  7. Alright Hoes, Im getting a tattoo, and I've Decided what im going to get. Im getting the following image 7Jt1N1U.png

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Fedot


      I have earned my Tattoo, Im getting it to cover up scaring and the QR code is Troll life and ob i troll

    3. BENJI
    4. Brennan


      THANK GOD My QR scanner shows the text of the web address and doesn't take you straight there

  8. Im going to get a Tattoo of Somthing.... Non inappropriate... inb4 tramp stamp


    1. GhostFace


      i have quite a few tattoos, what are you looking for? like what part of the body.

    2. Fedot
  9. You were banned for 1 hour from the server by "[Uncle Jerry] Grandma Gary" (^_^)

    1. Grandma Gary
    2. Fedot


      I'm genuinely salty at u 2

  10. 3Rip confirmed @Definately not 3 rip

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Fedot


      I think he should be allowed to have an account as long as he isnt a dick

    3. Tman15tmb


      ^Negative ghost rider

    4. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      Fedot honestly you're extremely lucky you're still here after the shit you pull...


    @Poseidon give me dem logs

  12. Hacker on server 1 RIP

    1. badaim


      fedot move me in olympus ts now please

  13. I threaten errbooty

  14. I will rdm you all, and yell ROGER WILSHIRE in side voip


    1. djwolf


      Only you, Fedot. LOL. I mean hey, at least it's better than the old one with never gonna give you up and trolololol playing at once.

    2. Fedot
  16. Happy birthday Fedot

  17. Every year for the last 6 years I've been sick on my birthday. This year is no different.... Thanks Obama

  18. inb4 you arse holes are using 7GB of Data for stats

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fedot


      @G.O.A.T. Why Do you say That? GB is Storage Gb is Network.

    3. Brennan


      Sorry for this Fedot, you can delete all of it except for mine.

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