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Legacy VIP
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Status Replies posted by Fedot

  1. I love being a newbie after 430 hours on the server lol

  2. Who would like to do a tactical training session?

  3. R&R recruitment has re-opened. Interview times may be viewed in the R&R Whitelist Applicant channel's description.


  5. Honeybooboo loves you all and amish quaan honeybooboo and snake want to be guest along with stealth

  6. When you try to RP with someone instead of being a robot and just get murdered by the rest of the gang. Some men just want to watch the world burn.

  7. Gotta find the right gang...

  8. Surgery less than a week away dOing a farewell stream Sunday

  9. Olympus Lottery is happening tonight

  10. Dev server has the newest updater on it with escort fixes, titans, money skin, and other general fixes, please get on and test it out to make sure the launch is smooth :)

  11. I feel like someone just beat the shit out of me.

  12. I feel like someone just beat the shit out of me.

  13. New PC parts inc, can't wait only problem is I think they will be here Friday so I might have to wait til the weekend to put em in.

  14. If I could ask a favor, I entered into a songwriting contest and I need votes and shares and plays. First place I come to is olympus because of how awesome this community is. Please help me out! http://www.grammyamplifier.com/artists/submission/springtime-new-england

  15. I'm an idiot, and I deserve to be called one, after 6 months of having this awesome gaming laptop I was so dissapointed by the graphics card, well turns out my default GPU was my integrated Intel card -_- Changed my default to my GTX card and guess what, got like 40-50 more fps in all my games.

  16. Have faith all, it'll be ok in the end.

  17. It was a good run boys:,(

  18. Kind of Dissappointented in The turn out for the Training session.

  19. Kind of Dissappointented in The turn out for the Training session.

  20. Wipe = Can Rdm Without Getting Ban. AM I RITE

  21. Wipe = Can Rdm Without Getting Ban. AM I RITE

  22. Just because it's the end of the world doesn't mean you should all go around the map in 50.cals shooting anything that moves.

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