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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Adi

  1. Just keep playing around with it, eventually you will get use to it. That's what I did when I got Vegas pro 13.
  2. I really don't like it when cops camp bodies waiting for the player to get revived, seems like a very cheap/unfair way of catching someone.
  3. Adi


    I new this thread would turn to flaming each other.
  4. hopefully this answers all your questions.
  5. I prefer it in Arabic
  6. Adi

    I miss BurBan

    I don't
  7. Sometimes I wish that there were another 10 peter Longs in the APD, your dedication was second to none and you were a much loved officer.
  8. guess who's back

  9. Get your facts right before you try going in on people.
  10. Well that's the way it used to be a long time ago and no one battered an eyelid.
  11. Best Shot: Ollie (the original kavala rookist) Best Driver: No one. Best Heli Pilot: Mcdili Best Officer: Clemenza Best R&R: Peta Best Kavala Troll: no one can break me out of kavala hq quite like dingle pooper can Best RP'r: toe knee Most Tactical: moob Funniest/Most enjoyable to play with: you guys know who you are. Most Reliable: ghostface Most Dedicated Player: peter long Best CQC player: anyone of group chats Best video/montages: Pete Malloy MVP: olympus staff
  12. What about "MCPD"
  13. Alex there needs to be a line drawn between reality and a video game, otherwise you will get people doing a bunch of dumb shit in game and then attempt to defend themselves by saying "in real life people do that"
  14. blasphemy
  15. Adi

    goodbye ]:

    Aren't you the kid who bought a lagswitch
  16. Bloodbags would be cool, but honestly, the idea of gang members reviving each other mid gun fight is horrible.
  17. Reminder, APD training is in 2 hours, wait in the coffee break lounge if you would like to partake.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Fat Clemenza

      Fat Clemenza

      You've got plenty of lived experience to hold you, Muth. When he goes for his wallet, BANG! 

    3. Peter Long

      Peter Long

      I'm still at work. Going on 42 hours. This blows. 

    4. Muthinator




      "I'm still at work. Going on 42 hours. This blows."


      That fatty pay check though.

  18. Beige
  19. I thought I was the only one
  20. when IS ruled the server
  21. It's equally annoying for us as senior as it is for everyone else.
  22. Adi


    would kill the server
  23. Have a constant saline drip of redgull
  24. Can i get a "im done" in the chat

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