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APD Officer
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Everything posted by Adi

  1. the thread fell off
  2. You should consider Bornholm as well, that's also an amazing map.
  3. any eta on stats & info page?

  4. Im sure if the servers carry on the way they are going, we may one day see the return of the infamous server 3. At least last night i had to spam my enter key to get in server 1.
  5. o' captain my captain
  6. Adi

    Umm Jopple?

    oh shit jopple hacks confirmed
  7. Means alot man, especially coming from an x KVS member.
  8. ahhh yes the isis days. good times, good times.
  9. in the most mature way possible. no
  10. I like to call this one the "i can explain" face. http://gyazo.com/dd4446b495bc30b540d435b308c6a4fe

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      i almost felt bad for him... Almost.

    3. Virus1


      The moment he was ghost restrained LOL

    4. Ventar


      Funniest shit ever

  11. don't even want to go in game, the forums are all the entertainment I need

  12. what ever happened to server events

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Adi


      I always thought that all admins could do server events not just Jendrak

    3. Nick5523


      I thought Welfare was in charge of events

    4. QKSILVR73


      WELFARE bahaha

  13. Ares you were a chief who not only guided the apd but also aided in game when it was needed.
  14. #bringbackkavalagunstore

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Jaeger Mannen

      Jaeger Mannen

      Pfft- then don't go to kabaka.. Bring back the gun store and make Kavala square a redzone= best Altis life server yet

    3. Fastik


      We shall all band together and create our own gun store inside of kavala!

    4. Adi


      There should be a scroll wheel option to buy a rook from the redburger

  15. Finally hit the 1000 recorded kills club

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Corporal Moob

      Corporal Moob

      m8. no wey, i'm bout to hit dat derty 3k kills.

    3. 0llie
    4. Moose


      Your still not as good as huskers

  16. Adi

    Old friends.

  17. Rook royale in kavala.
  18. The definition of regret
  19. Was strolling down Rdm alley in Kavala and then was lit up by 2 freshspawns with rooks, not a single word or text was said. Later on I witnessed a guy get tazzed and disconnect before he had even hit the ground. All in all an average day in kavala.
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