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Everything posted by DubbedSoap

  1. Ok ^ That is dope. As for the others, I understand finding a balance. Taking a look at your last comment on titaning your own heli if stolen... Why not? Any civ who hops in my heli shouldn't need a text before getting blasted.
  2. You bring up a good point, maybe #6 isn't as viable as I thought. As for the other two, yeah I play it on a case-by-case basis. Our support team has no idea what any of the titan rules are, much less the vast majority of civilians. Rule clarifications or updates occasionally would be a nice best-practice towards eliminating grey areas. typically some shitty roleplayer like @Noahhh! Others agree It's like warning shots... the heli has to realize it. I cannot just sneak in with a suppressed 9mm and pop 1 shot. It's way more scuffed the way it currently is. It takes more time to lock on to a hummingbird than it does for a hummingbird to fly out of a small red zone (basically anything that isnt rebel). Not quite seeing how it would be abused. Not quite, do this today and you get banned. How come?
  3. The current Titan Engagement Rules are fairly thought out and cover most scenarios. In my experience using a titan launcher, there are a few areas that I feel can be scuffed or the vast majority of players and support team members are unsure of. No more "grey area" excuses when "grey area" can be eliminated with a few added lines in the rulebook. Share your thoughts, and let me know if I need to explain and of the suggestions. Thank you all and stay healthy out there! Green Text indicates suggested rule addition. Chapter 14: Explosive Items When using a titan on aerial vehicles the pilot must first be directly notified stating your demands and that you are using a Titan, if demands are not met (within reason) you may fire on the air unit with said titan. If a titan message is sent during an active engagement and the engagement lasts longer then 5 minutes, the player may still fire the titan at the pilot that was messaged if demands were still not met. Titans may be used without texts in illegal areas or if the initial engagement was in an illegal area. EX: Bob shoots at Joe at drug dealer as Joe takes off in a hummingbird, and then Bob titans Joe even though Joe was technically out of the illegal zone at that point. Titans may also be fired at ground vehicles and other players via standard RP rules. Misuse of Titan launchers to kill restrained players or destroy vehicles for may still result in administrative action. If these scenarios arise action will be taken entirely at staff discretion. When a player is directly fired upon by an aerial vehicle, the player may return fire with a titan without sending a text first. (Gang engagement does not apply for this rule). Landing an aerial vehicle only ends the titan engagement if all demands have been met. EX: "Auto hover and land or be titaned." Otherwise the titan is still hot even if the aerial vehicle takes off again. Players may fire a titan without sending a text first if there is an enemy gang member anywhere in the aircraft. Not necessarily the pilot. Titan engagement will engage the aerial vehicle itself. If a players send a text, to the pilot "Bob" of the black hummingbird, it does not matter if "Joe" takes controls or if "Bob" lands and "Joe" hops in the pilot seat. The aircraft is engaged. If a player's personal aerial vehicle is stolen they may titan it without an engagement text.
  4. Re-do this for just lights. No sirens.... Can't have vigilantes going code 3. But lights are a different story. Lights are for roleplayers. On vigilante skinned vehicles only for that matter. That should 100% be a thing.
  5. Sorry Nerdy, just re quoting myself. Would anybody mind giving their thoughts on this one?
  6. Perfect, thank you! I will be hitting you up sir. I know it SAYS i killed those 11 men but i promise i din do nuffin it was self fence
  7. I am a vigi tho and it wasnt self defense... it was a taser script failure.. If I went that route I'd never get comp'd assuming Shadowplay is working that day This is 100% true and the route I personally always take, but for the odd event that you are caught on your way, there is just room for error that is not necessary. Make it 2 or 3x manslaughters is an insta-rip. But 1x manslaughter or gang homicide.. at least require some RP beforehand and if they RP its gone.
  8. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Weapon Trafficking is a VL rip? Can we make a clarification stating that 3 ILLEGAL weapons in trafficking? Or 3 non-licensed weapons? If I am a vigilante with a license... literally for my weapons... I should be allowed to have 3. My Spar, my .45, and my 9mm for when it gets sweaty. If I'm a civ, and I have a GUN LICENSE then I should be able to buy GUNS and have 3 Rooks if I want. No license and 3 guns of any kind. Sure. Just seems a useless charge with only room for abuse. I get caught by APD all the time with my primary, a secondary, and a titan or RPG. Literally never have been given this charge. @Mr GOAT Just looking for clarifications. Beyond that, thanks for the updated handbook. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you met the APD? They always text me back "denied" anytime I msg them lol. No pardons, especially on vigi. No lie, I can get a 100k+ pardon on rebel for torturing civs, but not for a taser script error.
  9. Can we just make this straight up against the rules? "frowned upon" means absolutely nothing. Nothing. Can you please clarify this? Not sure I'm easily understanding. Let's make it transparent. Prior to the Huron being fired upon, or prior to the rebel being fired upon? Can the Huron go "guns hot", shoot the guns, and then an officer can fire out the back ramp?
  10. Removed Kavala Vigi, fuck vigis WHERE IS MY ARMED SPEEDBOAT FOR VIGI @Zahzi
  11. If you will budge on letting Vigis have armed speedboats Id +1 this
  12. I fuckin love Mando buncha sexy motherfuckers
  13. Fashionscape +1
  14. "If someone reacts in a way that is compliant with your demand (Such as stopping their vehicle in order to get out) you must allow them to complete their reaction AS LONG AS IT DOES NOT TAKE MORE THAN 5 SECONDS FROM THE ENGAGEMENT. If someone takes more than 5 seconds to complete the action you do not have to allow them to complete it." Ginormous
  15. Again, the purpose of this post is not for player report reasons. This is why I did not mention player reports in the original post, mention you, any outcomes, and stated only that I would like to hear the community's thoughts. Whether or not a player is banned over this is not something I will lose any sleep over. Instead, I thought I would use it as a way to see if the current rules we have on Olympus-entertainment.com align with the community's interpretation of them due to the split of opinions on the matter at hand. That way in the future other players have a stronger understanding of these situations and can make better informed decisions in game. That makes good sense to me. Would you say a rule clarification is a wild request? You are the first support member to say this may not be RDM. I get that support team interpretations are a dramatic step away from staff interpretations, however considering how much the player base relies on support cases, it would be nice if there was less of a split.
  16. Fair enough! Again, I am genuinely interested on the community's thoughts. I've been to support one too many times for similar situations (on both ends) and it is almost always ruled as RDM since the victim was in fact attempting to comply despite it taking 5 seconds since the rule states even if it takes more than 5. Bet. Perhaps having a gun at all in these situations should count as hostile action.
  17. Well it's decided then
  18. Thanks, ninja My armed speedboat for vigis idea was denied so gotta branch out
  19. It's as clear as Toronto's triumph over Florida yesterday
  20. The purpose of this post is not for a player report. It is to gauge the community's interpretation of the rules.
  21. That is not the purpose of this post. I genuinely would like to know the community's thoughts.
  22. Not a bad strategy
  23. "It's okay if you disagree with me or think I should kill myself, I'm genuinely curious what the community thinks. Perhaps it's as simple as a reworded rule to match the community's interpretation. " u aint wrong
  24. https://streamable.com/4z7l1 Based on the rule below: If someone reacts in a way that is compliant with your demand (Such as stopping their vehicle in order to get out) you must allow them to complete their reaction even if it takes longer than 5 seconds. If you get out to put your hands up without waving your gun around or aiming at them (or at all in this case), what are your thoughts? My initial thoughts are that if the truck shot at 5 seconds while the victim was in the car still, then it would be alright, but considering the victim stepped out to comply then it is not. Getting out and hitting tab takes a moment. The victim was sprayed down without a chance to holster the weapon and put the hands up. It's okay if you disagree with me or think I should kill myself, I'm genuinely curious what the community thinks. Perhaps it's as simple as a reworded rule to match the community's interpretation. Thnx
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