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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. Admins don't have the time to spectate kavala 24/7 and wait for someone to rdm. Report it if you want something to happen dawg
  2. Apparently this is quite a meme isn't it
  3. Arma 3 nerds don't have girlfriends
  4. Thats the point of fighting. 2 gangs fight, whichever gang dies, regears and comes back and fights again. The only bad thing about no NLR in warzone is getting shot in the back by someone that died earlier
  5. It should be added just as a meme tbh
  6. Please tell me this is a meme cause there's no way that's goat
  7. it almost seems like the profiling build makes my game feel laggier at certain points

  8. What type of cpu do you have?
  9. This is the biggest meme I've seen all day
  10. I left out if you pit someone and their vehicle blows up but other than that idk how that’s Inaccurate
  11. You can't get banned for desync pitting someone unless you were purposely using something like an application to lag your pc or some shit
  12. That's kinda what I just said ( ͡° _ʖ ͡°)
  13. I definitely get your point. It's mainly the fact that you can still do the event even if the number of cops required to do it aren't online. Like for the fed, if there isn't 5 cops online. Your not gonna get gold from the fed, but you can still rob the fed.
  14. I think it should be towards all federal events, not just jailbreaks imo.
  15. Then that's kinda misleading because it says "when the Ghosthawk is presented with a clear threat"
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