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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. No matter if I was 5 meters away or 70 meters away tilde didn't work, I can pick up stuff like like, "Lamp (Small)" and other objects but not people, vehicles, or heli's and so on. And the other weird thing is, Im seeing military ranks next to civs name?
  2. I found a bug, you can respawn even when the timer is counting down
  3. Benjamin Memer boiz

  4. you didnt
  5. You've already said this, but k
  6. Hello? Check licenses fix? Hello? Tilde fix? Heeeeeellooo??

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. BENJI


      @djwolf Well tbh, it's something that's just apart of the game, and if you get texted by and engaged by a group of people, if you see someone in a field with a mk-18, you cant tilde them to see if they're a member of the group that you were engaged on. Ya feel? and plus its just a pain for both cops and civs, and I personally think that there should be a new tilde coded in.

    3. djwolf


      @Benjamin Remer, I respect your opinion and tbh, there would be too much of a backlash from the community if we decided on no tilde key from now on. It will come back, but remember, this is not our job. We have lives outside of this, all of us. We're working on it, but things do come up. Be patient, and the second you see that changelog come up on the Dev Blog, that's when you know, there's a good chance of it being fixed.

    4. BENJI
  7. BENJI


    is your sound bar filled ?
  8. I hope to see you online soon Dili Oh lol, just noticed http://i.imgur.com/TLxG9YL.jpg Rip
  9. Poseidon are you working on code for the tilde key??

  10. LOL!! I just noticed this
  11. Did tilde key get removed? haven't checked but idk if it's true

  12. Give me meh APD Forum tags plox

  13. When will the Red APD Hatchback glitch be fixed??

    1. Linka
    2. Peta


      dont fix it.

      i wanna buy some undercover apd cars! Place ur offer here :)

  14. Why are the Tazers so week

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Grandma Gary

      Grandma Gary

      You mean you dumped 6 mags in my general direction ;D

    3. BENJI
  15. Deputy Benjamin Remer??

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