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Everything posted by BENJI

  1. My day: Friend Billy came over, he slept over, we couldn't sleep, stayed up, at 6:00 AM we took are Pillows and Blankets went outside and laid down on the Hammock, laid on the Hammock for about 45 mins, got up, went to his house, jumped in the Pool, dried off in the burning sun, we both ate croissants, I biked back to my house, cleaned up our mess, went upstairs, and typed this. #ExhaustedAsF**K

    1. Lethals Loaded

      Lethals Loaded

      "My day: Friend Billy came over, he slept over, we couldn't sleep, stayed up, at 6:00 AM we took..." is all I saw at first, I excepted to see something rather inappropiate.

    2. BENJI
  2. Im really sorry to hear that. I hope your mother will be ok, and I hope for the best. It really brings a tear to my eye when stuff like this happens, especially when it involves cancer let alone stage 4. You will be missed for the time that your gone, be sure to go and give your mom a real big hug. I hope she'll be ok
  3. Hopefully I will be trying out for the APD tonight, until then I will be reading something a Cinder Block also known as the APD Master Handbook :P

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BENJI
    3. Fastik


      Whatever you say if you get asked what your main weapon is say offroad it will guarantee a instant pass.

    4. Dejay


      oh and if a helicopter lands in kavala square you shoot that bitch until it blows, dont search shit.

  4. That moment when I'm asleep and someone pokes me I be like...........
  5. Is it just me, or is the APD Handbook a Cinder Block

  6. Yes there will be new Weapons, Poseidon said he was making a modded server kinda like A3L (Arma 3 Life Mod), and I quess that there will be more "modern" weapons. Btw the weapons in Altis Life are pretty modern, you do know that Arma 3 is like 20 years in the future right??
  7. I think Hitler's back


  8. They can play on any server they want to.................
  9. When I see vigi's in kavala I be like..........


  10. I love how many thumbs down reputations are on this post This post shouldn't of even been made............ That's why
  11. Because in single player you don't have to Render Like 16gb of stuff put into the server. And because it might be your computer, what are your specs
  12. BENJI


    watch this video for help with streaming: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S53uMs-IB1M but their shouldn't be a problem with recording, if you haven't yet. add a scene in (Scenes:), then in (Sources:) add a game capture for the game you want to record (keep in mind the game needs to be opened to add the game capture). Then you'll be able to record, if you can't figure it out then I can't help you. You would have to watch a guide on OBS. Btw, picture gives me the creaps
  13. I'm gonna be gone for a couple of days, maybe a week or even two. The reason is that I'm currently dealing with some depression issues, and I've made it my mission to resolve it. I hope to be back and stable again soon. And I hope that I will find out the solution, I will miss you guy's very much for the Duration that I'm gone

    sincerely, Benjamin Remer [R&R Dispatch]

    1. Bubbaloo  - Reusable P Cup

      Bubbaloo - Reusable P Cup

      Hope you get well soon Benjamin.  Whatever you need to do to get better.  

    2. BENJI


      Thank you Bubbaloo, It means a lot to me.

  14. It doesn't matter if you live like 1 mile away from where the server is hosted. Your ping can go sky high, but of course it doesn't happen all the time. Mine does, ALL of ares does. and btw TheDogsGoMoo, where do you live??
  15. More people like Mods than you think
  16. Will it be kinda like the Arma 3 life engine, or will it be like Altis Life but on a new map?? I don't have much experience with this type of stuff. I'm just worried if it would be harder to run or something like that. But besides that, I say go for it Btw, server 3??? The only problem is that we need more cops. I... think???
  17. It really depends on what you feel is necessary, If the guy who is trying to take you hostage in this type of situation is Roleplaying it pretty well. Then go along with it. If he is not RPing that well, or is pulling Rules out of the blue to convince you to come with him. Then don't go with him, it's as simple as that. If you feel your life is in danger if you go with him, You can take your life into your own hands and risk to die refusing to follow his orders. But don't be pissed off if he kills you when you refusing to follow his commands, but if you go with him and after you revive his "mates" he kills you. That would be fail RP, just keep in mind that it's your decision to go or to not go with him. If you don't want to go, then RP properly.
  18. You should never ALT F4 if you die to someone, especially if your trying to save your gear. And if you did ALT F4 after being killed, that's Considered Combat Logging. It's not the fact that they DC, it's the fact the some people don't have the patience to wait. and they constantly cry about how the R&R don't do their Jobs, even though we sure do. The R&R has a lot more priorities than just pressing a key to revive someone that died and requested to be revived.
  19. They were taken out a long time ago, they're probably not gonna be added back. I think, not 101% sure
  20. People Combat Log after they request for medic all the time, and it is annoying I can tell you that. But if you happen to see someone DC when Requesting R&R Assistance, if they're someone who repeatedly DC's when requesting a Revive try to record it. I know that some people's PC's can't lag a lot when Recording, but there's still no reason to not try to get them banned for constantly breaking the rules. And in my opinion. if there is a way to make it so if you DC when requesting a Revive, and when you reconnect your Respawn timer is still there. I think that would really help. I want to see people's opinions about this.
  21. "There was never a time or moment in your history, where God wasn't there beside you"

  22. BENJI

    [NW] OpuS

    Opus I have 1184 Hours on Arma......................
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