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Status Replies posted by PolarBear

  1. Happy Birthday some of my favorites! @ Farrel  @ Zeuse   @ PolarBear 🧁🧁🧁🧁🧁

    1. PolarBear


      Awww Thank you cupcake queen

  2. happy birth @ PolarBear

    1. PolarBear


      I hope you're doing well, my dude. Take care of yourself.

    1. PolarBear


      Like I would be caught dead in a blueberry outfit. I have better fashion sense than that. 

    2. (See 4 other replies to this status update)

  3. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      I dont know what's better, the fact that the "Your mom is a whore" joke went right over your ridgeless brain or the fact that you just want more clown shoes.

      Well here's another fact for you. 

      A Blue Whale ejaculates around 20 liters of sperm at a time, which is what your mom would call "A Good Start"

      This has been fun facts for smoothbrain chimps 3.0

      I'll see you again when I feel like it! 

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  4. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      I'm so glad you came back from another fact!

      The largest known living organism is an aspen grove.

      Pando (Latin for "I spread out") is a group of genetically identical quaking aspens in Utah with an interconnected root system. It's an estimated 80,000 years old and takes up more than 100 acres

      I never knew your mom's maiden name was Pando! Look at me learning something too!!!

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  5. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      You're still here? Don't you have some garbage cans to root around in or or trail cams to be spotted on to make people think they've seen bigfoot's smoothbrained offspring?

      You want to know what buddy? Since you seem to be in such love with me by continually visiting my page just so you can be that much digitally closer to me which honestly is creepy but you know you do you buddy, I'm going to help you out. I'm going to help you learn something every time you come back with HawkGs super simple snapple facts.

      Did you know that the Blue ridge mountains are older than Saturn's rings? They're even older than trees. The Blue ridge mountains are just shy of a billion years old which means they're about 600 million years older than the first plant and about 900 million years older than the ice rings around Saturn. 

      You see now when you come here to slap together whatever collection of letters and words that pass for English for you, you've actually read something and that means you're ever so much less slightly stupid than you were when you came in today.

      Look at you learning and growing.



    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  6. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      Are you still here? Still creeping around my page like some attention starved little cockroach? Keep on comin back my man. Sure. *I'm* the mad one, continually coming back and just yammering. I'm not even tagging you, yet here you are. Keep on coming back, clown shoes. I'll toss you a breadcrumb of attention from time to time. looooooooool

      When The Clown Shoe Fits GIF by GIPHY News

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  7. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      Hahahahaha and yet. Here. you. are. 


      Do you need friends or something, bud? Now I'm just genuinely interested your bizarre obsession with my page. Do you wake up and check it or something? How often are you just aggravatingly mad enough to come and sling your well... I'd call it a language but Im pretty sure I've seen a room full of chimps type out better prose than whatever it is that comes out of your stubby, angry little bitty fingertips. 

      Look at this kid. The Rona clearly gave him the Brain Scramblies. Look at it this way, champ. You're hot on your way to your first mental disability welfare check. 

      Cracking Up Lol GIF

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  8. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      And yet. Here you are. wasting your time on my page yet again. Glorious. 

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  9. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      And yet here you are, continuing to argue. I wish I could find a better place to live rent free instead of the tiny cramped corners of your head. 

      So what is it you intend to accomplish here? Besides giving me the satisfaction of knowing just how much I annoy you just with my mere existence.

      I've never had to work so little to aggravate a smoothbrain as much as you are. Glorious.

      Dance little rage monkey, Dance!!!

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  10. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      ahhhh hahahaha "continue being mad" says the kid who took the time to click on my name, angrily and illegibly bang out what i can only assume are the angry rantings of a chimp because someone is taking away virtual points. You came *to* me to rant, shortbus. 

      Since english seems to be a second language for you, let me help you with your writing. 

      ahaha ur a old ass boomerwho takes rnr so god damn seriously. U must of supervised teenagers at mcdonalds one now u keep the same ego rnr is boring as shit

      Actual English Translation: "Hahaha You're an old ass boomer who takes R&R so goddamned seriously. You must've supervised teenagers at McDonald's once, now you keep the same ego. R&R is boring as shit."

      Do you even understand how language and syntax work? How do even know who George RR Martin is when you can't even read? You're truly a masterpiece. One that your mom really should've swallowed. 

      Something something stay mad, or whatever looooooooooooooooooooooool

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  11. get off my dick cringe ass medic

    1. PolarBear


      It's a fuckin shame you beat covid. 

      "Get off my dick" screamed the stable boy who looked up my profile and spent time typing me out a love letter. 

      Hawk you are truly the most pathetic of Gepettos fuck puppets

    2. (See 40 other replies to this status update)

  12. I've made some Discord channels for your corresponding factions @APD Officer @Senior APD Member @R&R Medic @Senior R&R Member  until the Teamspeak service disruption has been resolved. We apologize for the inconvenience and Happy Halloween! 👻

  13. Well deserved!


    Thanks for sling loading me as a Basic and Trebutcheting into Red zones 🙂

    1. PolarBear


      Hell yeah man! Fun times indeed! I look forward to further R&R hijinks*!* I mean, fully legitimate rescue operations in the future! 🤓

  14. Congrats @ Parker Brooks & @ PolarBear
    I am eager to spread my demented ramblings in the R&R interrogation rooms to a new generation of Senior Medics 😄  

    1. PolarBear


      I for one, eagerly await every single one of those ramblings. Never, ever a dull moment when you pop in. 😃

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  15. @Medic Currently, radioactive zones are treated just like any other zone for those who are wondering. Keep an eye out for changes regarding them in the future, though. 

    1. PolarBear


      Being a former Radiological Telecommunications and *not* reading the September update prior to seeing only this


  16. "Now that you're a Medic, when you gonna join APD?"

    "Dude I joined to patch bullet wounds, not make them"

    1. PolarBear


      "Now that you're a Medic, when you gonna join APD?"

      "Dude I joined to patch bullet wounds, not make them"


      @ Mighty

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  17. "Now that you're a Medic, when you gonna join APD?"

    "Dude I joined to patch bullet wounds, not make them"

    1. PolarBear


      I like you dudes. Lol yeah I think I'm sticking around. 🤣🤣


      Say, while I've got people in the know hanging about, who is the lovely soul I will be pestering incessantly daily for a flight test once I make mein hours for adv paramedic? Looooool 

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  18. "Now that you're a Medic, when you gonna join APD?"

    "Dude I joined to patch bullet wounds, not make them"

    1. PolarBear


      @ Mighty  Even with a gun to your head, I wouldn't worry if it's APD. 🤣🤣🤣



    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

  19. "Now that you're a Medic, when you gonna join APD?"

    "Dude I joined to patch bullet wounds, not make them"

    1. PolarBear


      R&R alllllllll the way, baby. It ain't about the dolla bills, unless I'm using them to stuff your wounds with

    2. (See 13 other replies to this status update)

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