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Everything posted by breezygod

  1. Can someone bet me 100mil

  2. I want to Ill do it against you if this guy dips
  3. Heres a suggestion go to your phone and disable it.
  4. Anyone wanna do some big bets?

  5. anyone wanna do a 70 mil bet?

  6. Give this guy @Outcast a promotion he is the most active mofo

    1. Civak
    2. -dante-


      Good guy outcast doing his internet job well 

    3. breezygod


      @Civak Not a fan I actually just appreciate the fact he is one of the only admins that respond super fast

  7. Trueeeeeeeeeee
  8. I hope chiefs win. Hometown team boi
  9. breezygod


    cool story
  10. I think im gonna cry
  11. Is that it?
  12. Yeah its called A&D . The ip is port it 2302
  13. Id be down to do a 20 mil whenever your on
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